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Third person p.o.v

Taehyung awoke not feeling so well but decided to go to school anyway. He only slept for two hours not even. He was studying til four and a half in the morning and it's currently six in the morning and he's getting ready for school.

He wears again only an t-shirt not having anything else and some black skinny jeans. He makes his way outside and the cold air immediately hit his face.

He made his way to the entrance of the pack and saw the six friends together probably waiting for him again.

He walks over to them and stops in front of them so that they can go to school and get it over with. "Are you okay Taehyung, you're all red on the face?" asked Hoseok with a concerned look.

"I'm fine, it's from the weather" replied Taehyung following the others through the woods a little more farther from them.

They arrived in front of the school. Jimin was a little scared of getting beaten up for being gay and since he's an male omega, the weakest of all kind, he can't do much damage.

Taehyung was aware, that Jimin is gay and an male omega, so he set the objective to protect his hyung.

The seven boys had first period together. Taehyung was the first to enter and the moment they saw him, ice cold water was dumped over his head.

"You reek, slut. Hope you enjoyed your shower" said the one with the bucket and everyone in the class burst out laughing.

Taehyung was already feeling cold before even entering the classroom, now he's freezing. His lips turned purple because of the cold and he turned pale, Taehyung was trying his best to not shake.

"The other faggot is coming" stated one of his classmates. The small boy looked out and saw Jimin with the others hyungs coming.

He looked to the side and saw another one with a bucket full of ice cold water. Taehyung waited until Jimin came into the classroom before pushing him harshly out of the classroom, making the slightly smaller boy stumble out and getting hold by his friends so that he doesn't fall.

He closes the door and he feels the water fall over him again. He shivers because of the cold. The others didn't expect him standing there instead of Jimin, but didn't care because Taehyung is practically freezing.

They walked away of the scene and sat in their assigned seat. Taehyung went to his seat by the window and someone purposely opened the window, they didn't let the shivering boy close the window.

The door opened to see Jimin and the others enter. They looked angry, so angry they could rip of someone's throat if they came near him. Jimin was the only one who didn't look mad, in fact he looked sad, disappointed.

Taehyung did feel bad for pushing him harshly but it was only so that he didn't freeze to death like he's right now. They made their way over to Taehyung and slammed against the desk. Taehyung looked at them with a blank face.

"Why did you push Jimin? Why did you hurt him?" asked Yoongi practically shouted at him but Taehyung only held his blank expression before ignoring him and looking out of the window, he was trying his best to not shake because of the cold.

Jimin and Jungkook who noticed his state wanted to ask what happened but couldn't since his hyungs were interrogating him why he hurt Jimin and because they knew he would lie like the day before.

"Answer" said Yoongi using his alpha voice. Taehyung however didn't react and only looked at him before smirking "Why should I care, he's a faggot who's together with two guys, that's only disgusting" answered Taehyung with no emotion. The others looked shocked at the respond that they just got.

Yoongi and Hoseok directly went and punched him in the face, they wanted to continue but couldn't when they heard Jimin crying they went immediately to the small boy and hugged him trying to calm him down. The others shot him an threatening glare, even Jungkook and that broke his little, fragile heart of his.

He wanted so desperately cry. He didn't want to hurt the little innocent mochi but he didn't want to let anyone in his heart like he did before with his former pack members and then getting left behind all alone.

He didn't want to lose someone precious again like his mother. He was heartbroken when she died.

He didn't let it show though, he got up from the ground with an blank expression and took his bag going out of the classroom. He was going to skip that day's classes, he didn't know where he'd go but didn't care, he let himself be guided.

After thirty minutes of walking he is in front of his mother's grave. It is the only grave in the whole field. In the summer the field is full of beautiful flowers and in the winter it's filled with snow and winter flowers.

The moment he arrived he let his tears fall. He didn't want to hurt him but if he didn't he would freeze. He didn't want to be this weak and be mistreated for almost all his life but from his mother and half-brother.

He cried his heart out until he fell asleep on the cold ground in front of his mothers grave.

After some hours he felt like someone was stroking his back and then hug him and when he looks back he thought he saw his mother but that feeling disappeared quickly.

He stands up and looked up at the sky seeing that it was already night so he made his way back to the pack he's staying right now but he didn't know if he will stay any longer in that pack as he hurt the little precious mochi of the pack that everyone adors.

The others on the other hand went stright home after Taehyung left the classroom. They wanted to ask the pack leader to throw Taehyung out of the pack and tell him that he hurt Jimin, but Jimin insisted to let him be and so they followed his request of letting him be for now.

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