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Third person p.o.v

Taehyung turned to Chanhee and he didn't know if he could trust her but he took the risk anyway.

"I'm an male omega, one of the lasts but I don't want anyone in this pack to know." answered Taehyung looking at her. "You are an male omega and no one knows so I promise to not tell anyone. I'll protect you as long as I can. You're rare and you should be protected at all cost. You're are a blessing, you can bear a child" exclaimed Chanhee happy.

He helped her and the young pup even though he's an omega he still gave his t-shirt to the little pup and she's sure he's freezing from the cold but still sacrificed his comfort to some people he didn't know and she was grateful to him so as a thanks she will behold his secret and protect him.

They arrived in front of Chanhee's house and Taehyung put the bags quickly in her house before leaving with a happy smile on his lips,s omething he hasn't done in a while. He feels happy that the elder didn't judge him for being an male omega and didn't ask why he was so insecure about it.

Taehyung arrived at his apartment some minutes later. He goes to the kitchen to eat something even though he wasn't hungry he would force himself to eat something, he hasn't eaten today yet, so he prepares himself a good meal, he was skinny enough is what Taehyung thought today.

He tae peacefully but his apartment felt empty and he started feeling lonely, before he would always hear the other kids playing around, yelling, jumping sometimes fighting.

To not feel lonely anymore he starts studying for school, doing his homework and then studying for the upcoming exams.

Jungkook the moment they parted ways with his mate, he wanted to go back to him, he knew Taehyung was lying earlier about not being injured on the stomach but I didn't want to show him or tell him I'm his mate.

They were currently at the pack house, some elders would come to eat with them and so Jin hyung was in the kitchen, cooking the meals they would all have today.

The six friends were in the gaming room that Jungkook's father made for his son and his son's friends.

The others were like family to the head alpha. The head alpha has known them since they were born. They were the son's of his best friends and so Jungkook friends lived with them since they were children.

Hoseok's father was Mr.Jeon's right hand man. Namjoon and Yoongi's father's were his bodyguard and Seokjin's mother was the head cook of the pack house and Jimin's parents were the children's babysitter and so they were all friend since a young age.

They were just goofing around until Jungkook's father called them, telling them that the elders have arrived and that the food now is ready. We go downstairs to see the elder Yejoon and his wife Chanhee.

Those two are the oldest out of the pack and Chanhee seemed extremely happy. We greeted them with respect and a smile on our face and we then sat on the dining table. We started serving ourselves and eating happily while chatting.

"You know today I met a really nice young man. He said he's new at the pack, his name is Kim Taehyung, he's really nice." started Chanhee and by now everyone's attention was at her, especially Jungkook's.

"He saw me walking with Sunghoon, that little kid was walking shirtless since he fell in the river and he was cold. Taehyung just walked over to us and just put his own shirt over him, not wanting him to get a cold" continued she.

"He looked so skinny and he was bruised in the stomach and had some weird marks over his body. Those marks were probably inflicted by his mate having sexual activities with someone else, their bond must be pretty strong, at first I was worried about him but he gave me a reassuring smile and took the heavy bags out of my hands and helped me carry them home. I'm so happy we got someone like him in our pack" finishes she smiling.

"Yeah, Taehyung we accepted him as a pack member not even a week ago. His pack was attacked and he was the only survivor. Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok found him in an orphanage tied up with ropes draped in wolfsbane." explained the head alpha.

The elders Gasp, they couldn't even imagine him having suffered like that. " Could you tell us about the marks Taehyung had on his body?" asked Namjoon wanting to know more about it.

" Yeah, those marks normally appear when you have a strong bond to your mate and he has sexual activities with other people beside his mate. When that happens you get in an unbearable pain during the whole process of your mate having sex with someone else. Those marks then disappear after two to three days" explained Yejoon.

Jungkook now felt guilty for doing that to his mate. They continued to talk during the whole dinner happily and he could feel through the mate bond that Taehyung was feeling lonely and sad.

He wanted to run to him and tell him to not be sad and that he's there for him, but he couldn't  he wants to reject him so that he could live freely again, and not be tied down.

After eating they all bid the elders goodbye and started cleaning the kitchen. "I thought Taehyung would be a bad person, since he was punished so hard at his old pack but it seems that he's actually a nice kid" exclaimed Mr.Jeon and the Luna of the pack agreed.

They all finished cleaning and they all went to their rooms to sleep. Jungkook quickly took a shower and went to bed afterwards. He was thinking about Taehyung again, he seemed so sad and somehow he seems so lonely. He feels so close but at the same time so far away. With that thought Jungkook fell asleep.

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