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Third person p.o.v

A little tear slips out of his left eye, running down his cheek. The others are shocked. Taehyung quickly wipes the tear away, acting like it never happened.

"Let's go back!" states Taehyung with still a blank tone to it. He looks forward and starts to walk, but the pain suddenly kicks in more as he was distracted with talking to the hyungs.

He holds his head in his head and let's a small groan of pain slips out of his lips. Making the six looking at him.

"Hey Taehyung, are you okay? Why are you groaning?" asks Jimin concerned, Taehyung however shakes his head replying with a nothing.

As Jin was about to touch him, Taehyung shouts "Don't touch me!!!"

Leaving the others confused and shocked. Taehyung then composes himself and starts walking back. As they are walking Taehyung grips an tree, looking down, he is feeling nauseous and feels like he's going to vomit soon.

Jin notices it and couches down beside him, rubbing his back and this time Taehyung is too weak to push him away and let Jin help him.

After one minute of standing there he finally vomited everything he ate today, leaving his stomach empty. He stands up and continues walking to the pack grounds.

As they arrive, they are met with the elder Chanhee with Sunghoon (a/n:He's the pup who Taehyung gave his shirt to if any of you forgot). Sunghoon is the first to notice them and runs straight up at Taehyung.

"Hyung!" Sunghoon jumps up at Taehyung, Taehyung is sure Sunghoon would fall on the ground, so he quickly ran to catch him.

Taehyung catches him successfully before putting him back down on the floor.

"You should be careful, little one" starts Taehyung crouching down to be on the same eye level as Sunghoon.

"I came to tell you Thank you for last time, Thank you hyung for what you did for me" the little boy giggles and bows down but Taehyung stops him before he can bow when he lifts him in his arms.

"It's fine kid" he swings the little boy in his arms in circles before letting him go.

The little omega then sees Chanhee. He immediately walks towards her bowing down. The others just stand behind him stunned at how he freely talked with the pup and walks up to the elder.

Chanhee engulfs Taehyung in a warm hug when Taehyung straightens himself after bowing.

"What happened to your face, my child? Did you get in a fight? You know exactly you shouldn't do that, you're weaker than average people" the elder Chanhee rambles questions quite concerned about the male omega.

She places her hand on his cheeks, feeling the hotness of his face she immediately knows that the little omega isn't okay.

"You're burning up. You have a fever. What are you doing outside with a fever young man?"

The others want to laugh seeing Taehyung struggle to respond the concerned questions of Chanhee and getting scolded by her.

"I'm fine don't worry so much. You shouldn't be outside either, it's cold outside and it's starting to get dark."

Chanhee sighs before nodding and taking Sunghoon with her. The little boy was just a cutie and was waving vigorously to his hyungs.

As Taehyung is walking, he feels like he's gonna pass out so he holds onto Jin. Jin looks at him questioningly but before he can ask Taehyung falls unconscious. Jungkook is quick to catch him, since he's watching Taehyung since the office hoping he's okay.

They quickly carry him to the pack house. They take him to Jungkook's room.

Time skip

Taehyung is wrapped up, all his wounds taken care of while he was unconscious and he just woke up, sitting up, looking to his right, seeing Jungkook, Jimin and Jin asleep next to him.

Well Jimin and Jin are on the couch in Jungkook's room and Jungkook is next to him on a chair asleep, looking uncomfortable. He moves his hand towards Jungkook's face, caressing his cheek.

He stands up and puts Jungkook on the bed instead of him. He tried for five minutes to put him on the bed and finally was able to.

At the end he is panting, but it's worth it thinks Taehyung as he sees Jungkook change from his uncomfortable expression to one of contentment expression with a small smile on his lips making him look like a bunny causing him to unconsciously smile a slight smile.

Jin and Jimin awoke when they heard shuffling from the bed and peeked at the scene in front of them, making them smile unconsciously at the cute scene in front of them.

Taehyung then looks at the other two, taking a blanket out of under the bed and put one blanket over each of the two, but then he remembers that Jimin is an omega and goes get him two more blankets and put it over him.

Jin and Jimin's hearts warm up at the kindness of Taehyung. Taehyung then takes three blankets and puts two together on the floor and gets on top of it taking the other on him so he doesn't get cold and soon drifts off to sleep.

The two coo at the younger standing up, doing the same as Taehyung did and snapping some photos of Taehyung sleeping cutely like that with a small pout on his lips wearing an sweater from Jungkook that looks over-sized on him.

They than lay next to each other and they too then fall asleep.

Jungkook then woke up some minutes later seeing himself in his bed before taking three blankets and doing the same as his two friends and his mate.

Seeing his mate looking so cute in his hoodie and with a pout on his lips he couldn't resist and take a picture or two of his little mate.

He then puts himself next to him and engulfs him in his arms putting Taehying's head on his chest and falling asleep with his mate in his arms is a pure bliss for him and soon sleepiness engulfes him and he goes off to dreamland.

Alpha's mate [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now