Subtance Abuse

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Days Later
I got home and sat next to Juice. He looked tired. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He responded with a soft worn out voice.

"Something is wrong."

"I'm just going to go lay down." He said while getting up.

I don't understand what I did to him. I got up and followed him. When I walked in I saw him popping a pill.

I don't understand what I did.

Juice POV
I can't believe she cheated on me in this video. I love Ally so I'm going to talk to her about it. I don't want my selfishness to ruin us.

But I don't want to have this conversation right now though. I'm going to pop some Xanax and take a nap.

I walked inside the room sat on the bed and Began to pop pills.

I saw ally out of the corner of my eye.

"You want one?" I asked with a blank sad expression.

"No.You shouldn't be taking them either. I'm tired of the drugs and drinking juice. All drugs do is hurt people worse. That's what you don't understand."

"No,drugs help me. They make me feel some what numb and they don't make videos cheating on me to embarrass me far worse than I've been embarrassed. You did that not drugs."

She sat there staring at me with an confused face. 

"Juice I'm sorry it isn't even like that."

"Whatever." I said while attempting to pop another pill.

Ally grabbed my hand and yelled "Juice stop! You are to important. There's so much more to life other than drugs!"

"What is there Ally? Other than pain what is there?"


I looked her in her eyes and stared straight into her sole. She loves me as much as I love her. I know that but why?

Why would she cheat on me then?

"I have to go." I got up and grabbed my keys.


"No where." I responded while walking outside the door.

I pulled into Jahs drive way and knocked on his door.

"Yo?" He answered the door.

"Wanna go to the studio?"

"Yeah,lets go."

You can stay or you can leave. I just want to lock you out and through away the key. I just want to lock you out and through away the key.

I just want to lock you out.

Hold on wait a second you've been providing me depression you've been abusing your position using your words as a weapon.

I rapped into the mic with a hurt tone.

"Run it back X."

"What's wrong with you?"


"What happened?"

I went to sit down across from him. "She cheated on me bruh,look."

"Who sent you this video?" He asked while taking the phone out of my hand.

"Unknown number."

"The girls voice in the back ground sounds familiar." He pulled out his phone and went to the contacts app.

"That's Max."

"Oh I know Max.Why would she purposely rat out her friend like that?"

"That night when Ally came to my house she got into a fist fight with Max."

"Oh shit. I feel like a jerk now. I should go talk to her."


"I'm going to finish this song first bro."


After I finished the song I went and walked to the car with Jah and drove him home then myself.

When I walked into the house no one was there. I guess she left me.

I heard my doorbell ring about twenty minutes later.

I walked to the door and it was Solàna.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course." I opened the door.

"You know why I'm here right?"

"Ally wants to talk to me?"

"No. I haven't even heard from her since this morning."

"Oh then why?"

"I saw your Instagram story. Nigga your blessed. Your smart,you can rap,your handsome and you have a beautiful girlfriend. So why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kill yourself."

"The drugs help me."

"They hurt you. When you were sober you seemed better what happened?"

"It lasted a couple weeks,I'm miserable mentally when I'm sober it's hard."

"I understand that but you have to worry about your well being in the long run,have you ever thought about seeing a therapist?"


"Maybe you should because twenty,thirty years from now your body's going to be tired of all the drugs. If you even make it to then."

I know she's right but it's easier said than done.

"Okay. I understand that but my body needs it."

"I know those withdrawals going to make you feel like you need it. But you don't. Let's just say this.

If you love your family,Ally,me and all your fans stop the drugs. Your important and you matter. Nobody what nobody else says."

"Okay I'll stop I promise."

"Good,I'll keep bugging you everyday to make sure you do. Now what's going on with you and Ally?"

"Look." I showed her the video.

"Was you two together when this video was made?"

"I guess so."

"I don't believe it. Who sent you this?"

"Jah said its Max."

"Eeh. Her? I can't stand her lately."

"Yeah I heard nobody can."

"Where's Ally?"

"Somewhere I'm unsure. She wasn't here when I got home."

"She texted me this morning all upset and we talked on the phone. She told me she was going to nap."

"Oh that's weird."

"Maybe she went somewhere to calm down."

"Yeah,but I'm going to go now text me when she gets home and tell her to call me. I got to go make sure my kids aren't murdering each other."

"Okay." I got up and followed her to the door.

I guess I'll go to sleep. I texted Ally and said "The key is under the mat,I'm sorry please come back I love you."

It didn't say delivered. Maybe she blocked me or her phone went dead.

WeirdoVibess; If you know anyone that is currently abusing drugs or if you are and you need help please call 866-293-7031 for help. Please don't kill yourselves.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in three months y'all I've been going through it mentally lately. But I'm back now! I'll update again soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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