Cinderella Didn't Run

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     The festivities were going smoothely, albeit early, and America was worried. Alaska hadn't shown yet, and he remembered she always wanted to help... so he gave her a later time than everyone else. It was only 5:52... maybe he was worrying to much... Then he saw her. At first a faint sillouhette, but the light from inside made her stars sparkle on her face as she smiled sheepishly. The shorter Country marvelled at the exquisete Kimono that adorned her. Blue and gold, an obviously expensive silk, and a small, elegant diamond necklace. 

         "Am... am I late?" she questioned, jolting the american from his stupor.

         "No, of course not," he smiled, sunglasses hiding his wide eyes, "They all came earlier."

At least it wasn't a lie.

     He led the grown State in, announcing her arrival, and everyone clapped, most having met her already, but a few hadn't. She smiled bashfully, a barely seen blush dusting her cheeks. America led her through the crowd, telling her all who were there. U.K., or Britain, hadn't seen the woman yet, and was quite surprised at her height, despite the stories he's heard. America exclaimed how he was so proud of his daughter, going through many Countries to finish the formalities.

     Japan sighed at the table, having spoken to Alaska already. She was with Germany and Russia, who weren't quite sure if this party was for Alaska or for America just to say how proud he was of her. Russia looked to the woman at their table.

         "You sound yike you just svooned." he snickered.

         "Shut it, baka*," she growled, "You can't say you didn't stare when she walked in, albeit for different reasons, not even Germany acted like he was disinterested!"

Said Country took a long pull from his champagne...

         "You being a matchmaker now?" Russia sneered.

         "No," she huffed, "Look at that Kimono! It's the prettiest I've seen! The design, the patterns. Someone took great care in it."

They watched as the State soon came to greet China. Alaska bowed, confused when he did not bow next, only to come up, bringing a hand to her mouth in surprise as he then bowed, a bit lower than hers.

         "He bowed lower?!" Japan screeched.

         "So?" Russia huffed.

         "No-no-no! You don't get it! China rarely bows anymore, once Imperial China died the tradition almost died with him, even I do it more than him and his people, if he's bowing then he holds her in very high esteem! And by that face I think she knows it."

The three watched as China brought himself up, his traditional garb no where near as elegant as hers, his red and gold contrasting to Alaska's blue. He led her away from America, who was about to protest, but thought better of it when his father looked toward him suspiciously.

     Japan bounced in her seat as she smiled, Germany calling her a 'dork' as he chuckled. She then started to mumble, failing to notice the two red and blue figures coming her way.

         "Oh I know! Chilaska!"

Germany spit his drink back into the glass while Russia wheezed, making the female Country look between them confused, until she finally saw the two shadows... She looked up sheepishly, a nervous smile on her face.

        "Hey," she waved.

         "Ni hao**, Japan," China looked very unamused, while Alaska shook her head with a small giggle, "Alaska wanted to make sure you all were doing well."

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