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     The crowd cheered, and a toast was given to the newest Country. Alaska's flag didn't change, in honor of it's creator, and all hoped that she herself wouldn't change either. Those who attended the festivities congratulated her, giving her presents, small and large, even America as he stuck out his hand for her to shake, 49 States permanently etched onto his face. Despite the sudden drain from his systems, the lingering headache from after it was finalized for Alaska to become a Country, he kept a smile on his face.

         "You're highness," he curtsied, making the woman giggle, "today I give you the finest of gifts!"

         "You can't top China's shipment of tea, silk and porcelain!" Egypt hollered over the crowd.

         "Can I not enjoy a small moment of bravado?" America huffed, glaring at the Country.

         "Your life is a moment of bravado," Cuba rolled her eyes, "I think you can deal."

         "Now, now," Alaska shook her head, pointed teeth hidden by her red scarf, blisters and burns covered by a long sleeve and pants, "As true as that is-"

         "Hey!" America whipped around, hands on his hips as he took offense.

         "-Everyone is getting their moment. Let's not forget that this isn't only about me, but you all as well. The finalization of our future work together, thanks to U.N.," the man nodded toward her, having taken to the sidelines, "I can provide military aide, medical support and financial to those who truly need it, and I know that you all are willing to help  me in return. I can't wait to work with you."

The crowd applauded to her small speech, the blue and gold Country waving for America to continue his "moment of bravado". He cleared his throat, dug in his jeans pocket for an Aspirin, swallowing it before continuing.

         "Today I give you the finest of gifts: Twelve Million U.S. dollars, as a cushion for your developing economy; three shipments of basic necessities, such as food, bottled water, clothes maybe a candy or two," the crowd chuckled, "And my blessing as your step father, for your wonderous life ahead, as a Country, and not my State."

Alaska cried as she wrapped her arms around the shorter man, lifting him up so she wasn't hurting her back. The crowd clapped, a few 'aws' coming from the onlookers as they found the exchange adorable. She set him down when he started to wheeze from lack of oxygen, making them both laugh.

     As festivities continued, America grew worried. Most everyone had no clue of Alaska's current summer time state, and it may be a major factor in most deals, Israel was for sure going to be wary, Finland and Sweden perhaps... U.K. was never to keen to mention Third Reich, and to have a trade partner so close to having the same mentality when angered? Oh dear... He knew Alaska intended to inform her newly made friends during the party, but he was unsure if now was the right time.

         "Maybe after you've been in business for a little while," he suggested, pulling the taller woman off to the side, "If you tell them now some might retract their deals entirely, without a second thought."

         "I've hidden this side of me long enough," she shook her head, just as America feared she would, "It's time to spite my father and be more than he ever thought I could be, even with this... handicap."

The American frowned. A hindrance? Yeah, sure, but Alaska's condition couldn't be a handicap, could it?

     When the room finally settled down, Alaska brought their attention to the front of the meeting hall, where a projector and white screen waited after being hastily set up. She sighed in frustration as Germany fiddled with the wiring, only to be pushed aside by China as he mumbled something about sticking with the sciences to Germany. When the projector was up and running, it showed a fanciful picture of one of Alaska's vast fields filled with Fireweed.

         "I'd like to introduce you all to something I like to call, 'Death by Powerpoint'," she earned a laugh from the crowd, "It's not to long, I assure, but it's important. In it I have my... well I'll just show you-"

She quickly brushed the mouse pad on the laptop beside the projector, the slide moving to multiple bullet points.

         "These are my goals for the first year. I hope to affirm my trades deals with you all, military aides, and peace treaties for those of you who would prefer me your territory -ahem- Russia."

         "Hey," the Country took offence, but those who knew it a simple jest chuckled at the poke of fun between siblings.

Alaska moved to the next slide.

         "Here you see my readied military," she explained, pointing with a red laser light, "these are those ready to fly or sail out at any time to aide those who I have offered my help to. If this is unsatisfactory, I can discuss further offers."

The crowd was silent, so she assumed she could move on.

         "I explained my exports already, but for those who would like to reconsider or expand your demands, you may write down whatever you would like from this list, if there is something not listed, you will have to speak with me at an appointed time."

There was some frantic writing or tapping of phones, so she paused on this list for a moment before continuing.

         "One last thing..." she paused, bringing up her scarf as she nervously fiddled with it's tattered and worn out ends. The next slide shown as ready to present, but her finger hesitated, "I... I realize all of your perception of me is of good report, it's why you all voted me in as a Country, that and my resources were profitable to you, and at a fair price," she turned to her waiting audience, who all stared at her with attentive expressions, "but I... I must admit, I did not give you one specific piece of information."

China stood by her side, looking up to give her a reassuring glance before looking to the audience, daring them to go back on their word already given. America stood as well, placing  a hand on her back, soon joined by Germany, Japan, Canada and Russia.

     Alaska made one final tug at her scarf, the linen which had hidden her menacing features for years, now brought into the light for all to see. The room filled with a synchronized gasp.

         "Fires are what cause it," she explained, a shy smile an attempt to be less threatening-like, "It's only for the summer months, unfortunately it came early this year, so I'm a bit more irritable then usual, I'm afraid..."

         "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Egypt questioned accusingly, "No wonder your father sold you like some palace slave."

America was about to retaliate with a come-back, but Alaska stopped him as she gave a hideously sweet, pointed smile.

         "My dear Egypt," she giggled, making his colored face pale at her equally as sweet tone, "You couldn't afford this slave even if you sold all the golden idols in your land."

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