She's Fine

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     Alaska decided that a stroll would be nice... what she didn't expect was going for a stroll with two very unprepared Countries.

         "It's waist deep!" Screamed America as he fell off Alaska's porch.

         "Dude, you need to get out more," Canada chuckled, helping the fallen man back up on the porch. He peered back in through the open door, watching as Alaska placed her bouquet of roses in a clear, snow-like vase. America was a complete gentleman and brought her blue roses with 8 gold ones in its center. 

         "You two go on ahead," she called, "I'll catch up."

They nodded before Canada made sure his elder brother had all of his snow gear on, soon trudging through the waist deep snow. It wouldn't be hard for the State to catch up with their trail and slow pace. 

         "The flowers were a nice touch," Canada smile warmly.

         "Anything to keep me on her good side," he grinned.

         "For the last time America, she doesn't hate you. Far from it."

A soft plodding of snow interrupted their conversation as they saw Alaska walk past them... gliding atop the snow. She wasn't even sinking down, not enough to cover her heavy mukluks anyway.

         "Hold up," America squinted as he took his sunglasses off, making Alaska turn around.


         "I know you're tall," Canada started, equally as curious, "but you're not... that tall..."

The blue and gold woman tilted her head as she stared at the two, confused. She then looked down, and laughed, bringing confused looks to her step uncle and step father's faces. Alaska then lifted up a foot, revealing strapped snowshoes, made of willow and strips of hide.


     This was a distant memory by now. When the snow was still high, and the birds hadn't travelled back from their winter vacation yet. Now the snow was wet, the human children were making snowmen, though they looked more like mud-men. Everyone was greeting Spring with excited faces. It came early, that meant warm weather, sprinklers and swimsuits. No more heavy coats, no more clunky snow boots and best of all, no more ice on the roads. Everyone was being seen more often as their breath was seen less in the open air, smiles always willing to greet their neighbor, for most anyway. Such wasn't the case for North Korea and other such Countries. The recent events weren't forgotten, of course.

     Everyone was so excited, not only did Spring bring warm weather, but it would possibly bring a State to Country-hood. They couldn't wait for the next meeting... but U.N. kept forgetting. A constant flow of letters, a reminder on his calendar, even an alarm on his phone... he always seemed to be easily distracted. Even U.N. himself was confused. He wasn't this forgetful, everyone agreed. It was abnormal for him, and he hated it... Alaska deserved to be a Country. 

         "Has anyone seen her?" Canada questioned the group, "I've been looking everywhere."

Japan shook her head with a frown.

         "The last I saw she was in a hurry to get home, so asked China if he could send her back."

         "When was that?" the worried Country questioned.

         "Dhree days ago," Russia finally took his coat off, then his Ushanka, wiping sweat from his brow, "I vas getting groceries."

        "Only because Yakutia finally started complaining," Mongolia huffed, earning a sober growl from Russia, which was even scarier than if he was drunk.

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