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         "You're insane!"

Alaska accused with a pointed finger, staring at her reflection. 

         "How many times could you have escaped? Look at yourself," she scratched her exposed arms after folding up the sleeves. No blood hit the metal sink, but her father made her swear not to use self harm as a means to escape her inner battles. She may not have had the best father, but he would care from time to time... "He suspects nodhing, yet here you are, enjoying yourself? It is despicable. You're attacking friends! He vants dhis!"

What looked like a rash on her arm grew as she rubbed her skin, not raw, but close. She stopped herself before she broke her promise to her father, instead holding tightly to the edges of the metal sink.

         "Stay strong..." she told herself, "Dhe oders vill come, dhey vill... dhey vill, trust me! Dhey vill come."

         "Mein schatz*?" Third called from the outer hallway of the Nazi bunker, "My dear you've been holed up in zhat rest room for half hour by now... I am vorried."

Worried? A heartless man was worried? Highly unlikely, but the World War 2 super power was... His little girl wasn't even speaking to him, though he had passed by multiple times just to see how she was doing. A hand went to a bandaged arm, multiple burned swastikas forever imbedded on his skin. He added one more that morning, for not thinking of placing his ring back in Germany's pocket, or at least on his dresser top, as if his son had forgotten it. But no, it was in his own pocket. He couldn't afford for her start breaking down now, they were so close! He couldn't afford another disappointment.

         "Alaska, please," he rested a hand on the door, "come out..."

With a heavy sigh, Third Reich, hugged the woman before she could protest once the door was opened. He looked to the metal sink, seeing dents where her grip became to tight. Once he let go, the genocidal man placed a gentle hand on her cheek, Alaska's skin burning, as hot as the Auschwitz fires.

         "Your North star is glowing my dear," he frowned, "Vhat does zhat mean?"

Alaska was silent as her breath came out like smoke, a dark comparison to the condensation of winter puffs.

         "It means Juneau is burning."


     America ordered for troops to carry as much water as they could. Canada ensured them safe passage of his borders so they didn't have to take the long way to Alaska's capital. Juneau was going up in flames, and while no calls had come, America was going to help. He only knew of it because the fires had started to spread into Canada's land. But as quickly as the fire came, it was gone. Navy and Airforce came back saying it was taken care of long before they had arrived. America seemed to have forgotten that Alaska had her own military now, and fully capable citizens. 

         "This kid's insane!" Australia declared, a coughing fit coming soon after, "Crickey, not even I can handle a few fires. My people are going nuts!"

         "She's gone through this before Aussie," Canada told him, "she knows what to expect, you had no clue this was coming."

The Country nodded, sighing. 

         "South America isn't going to let me live this down, I can tell 'ya that!"

Australia being both a Country and a Continent, had the ability to travel to another hidden world. He was the odd one out, of course, since most hate conversing with their younger separations of their land. They found them intolerable.

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