chapter 2: the realization

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Poland's POV

"Poland, wake up"

"wake up bro"

"come on get up!"

I feel someone poking on my cheek. "Poland, if you don't get up I'll splash you with cold water and steal all your pierogi" Hungary declared. "nuuuu don't steal my pierogi" I whined. "if you don't want me to steal it, you have to get up!" Hungary shook me as hard as he could. "fine, I'm awake! what is it?" I huffed. "we're having breakfast and then we're going home" he answered. "what? already?" I blurted. "everyone else is going after breakfast anyways" he added. "well ok then" I stood up and walked to the kitchen. "so, what's for breakfast?" I asked. "there's gyoza, bacon and eggs, kasha/porridge, kimchi, pierog-" ame responded but cut him off. "PIEROGI!? yassss" I did a little dance while making my way to the pierogi. Germany chuckled as he watched me eat the food of the gods. 

I noticed him looking at me. "Germany? do you want pierogi as well? I saw you looking at it" I offered my food to him. "oh no it's ok, you can have it all. i have one more here if you want it. I made It myself" Germany  insisted. "Really? yay! I want it" I exclaimed. he then held it in front of me, telling me to eat it. I took a bite of it, it was so good! I took another one and finished it all. "thank you Germany!" I thanked him. "no problem" Germany responded. 

I finally finished breakfast and everyone started leaving. "let's go Poland" Hungary called. "alright, let's go. bye Germany!" I waved goodbye and he waved back. I looked back to my brother who was doing the "I'm watching you" hand gesture thingy. I sighed, he's never gonna forgive the poor guy. I got in to the passengers seat of my brothers car and we drove back home. that was fun, everyone was so energetic. and Germany, he was so funny and cool and nice! the pierogi he made was the best thing I ever tasted! and- wait. for some reason, I feel really uncomfortable. my throat feels sore. "um, Hungary? do you have anything to cure a sore throat?" I asked.

"yup, I'll give it to you" he handed me the medicine and I took it. a few minutes later and I still don't feel better. I started coughing. my throat is killing me. this kept happening until a black petal fell out of my mouth. what, what's happening? what is this? I didn't eat any flowers yesterday, or at all! "umm, Poland? you good?" Hungary asked. "uh yeah, I'm fine" I lied. I put the petal in my pocket, it could tell me about what's happening.

we finally arrive back at our house. I took off my shoes and quickly got out my computer to look for answers. "ok, what does it mean if petals are coming out of your mouth" I mumbled while typing my question. the page loads and my question was answered. it's a disease. 

Hanahaki, a disease in which the victims coughs up flowers from one sided love. flowers grow in your throat, causing the victim to suffocate. it can be cured with surgery, but when the infection is removed, the victims romantic feelings go with it. oh god. that's what's happening?? I look through more websites for more answers. the disease can be removed if the person they like likes them back, it doesn't count if it's friend love, only romantic love. 

but, who am I in love with? my throat started to ache again, I coughed out 2 more petals. one of them was red and the other was yellow. wait a minute. I got out the black petal and placed it next to the other petals. "Germany?" I covered my mouth in shock and disbelief. I don't know anyone you can preform a surgery, and I don't want to confess. he probably doesn't like me. 

but, he asked for my forgiveness. he also wanted to start over. there's still hope, right? he must like me, right? I'm not going to die because of these flowers. this must be a sick joke, isn't it? maybe someone put petals in the pierogi, that must be the reason. probably was Ukraine dammit. ahahaha.... this can't be real. I never knew anyone who had the disease, it's all just make believe! what if I told someone about this? they could think I was just pretending! what if Germany found out I like him? it could ruin the start of our bond! according to the internet, it's all fake. it's all fictional, but this fake disease is killing me. I kept looking at the page. I'm just being paranoid, that's all. it's just a prank. I swear i'l kill Ukraine if it was a prank.

I've been through too much already. what will happen to me? I played down on my bed and hugged my pillow, imagining as if it was Germany. maybe if I sleep, all my problems will go away! I'm just over reacting, I'll wake up and it'll be like nothing ever happened! I sighed as I tried going to sleep.

what do I do?

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