chapter 7: stay away

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Germany's POV

I carefully put all all the things Czech has thrown at me, almost everything was on the ground. he even threw a vase at me, it shattered into a million pieces. I sighed as I got a broom to clean it up. no matter what Czech says, I will keep trying to strengthen our relationship. what can he do to me anyways? call me names? tch, that bastard. I finally cleaned everything up. I feel really tired, what time is it? I looked at the clock, it was 11 pm. I guess I'll go to bed. I climbed up the stair and into my bedroom. I picked up my phone and flopped onto my bed. looks like France texted me.

baguette: hey hey buddy, what's shaking?

faulpelz: me, I'm shaking

baguette: u good? 

faulpelz: Czech visited me

baguette: and that's a bad thing?

faulpelz: he punched me and told me that I didn't't deserve Poland

baguette: wow uh, it can't be all bad. he could be motivating you...?

faulpelz: das kannst du deiner Oma erzählen...

baguette: what?

faulpelz: nothing. 

baguette: ok then...good luck?

faulpelz: thanks I guess

I turned my phone off and tried to sleep.

Poland's POV

I awaken to the sound of birds singing and the smell of stew. it would have been really nice if there weren't any flowers covering my room. the flower on my face stung and it seems to be multiplying. How nice. I get up and slowly walk towards my desk to eat. My brother left me a note.

'dear sick brother

 I'm out shopping for more meds. Please don't leave your bedroom unless you need to go to the toilet. I made mushroom stew for you, hope you like it. I'll be back soon!

Love Hungary'

Welp, I'm sorry to break it to ya Hungary but my hanahaki gave me another reason to go to the toilet. I ate the stew and went to the toilet to puke out flowers, it's become a daily thing now. Waking up, eating, puking blood and flowers, and then checking the calender. It's December 16 now, time sure does fly by when you're dying. Or maybe it's because of a coma. Oh well. I went back to my room, I guess I'm trapped here. Ping!

Ooh, message. Who's it from?

Germ money: morning Poland, how are u today?

Aniol: eh, could be better

Germ money: why? Are U ok?

Aniol: well, you see, I'm sick

Germ money: ur sick!? Hold up, I'm bringing get well cards and presents

Aniol: come on Germany, you don't have to do this. I'm not THAT sick

Germ money: sickness is sickness. I'm coming to give you presents

This stubborn dork, I chuckle a bit. I cough out a petal, well that's weird. I haven't seen just a single petal in a while. I've only been puking out flowers lately. Ping!
Another text from Germany?

Triangle: morning Poland, need to tell ya something

Aniol: oh sure! What is it?

Triangle: do not trust Germany. He's a backstabbing piece of sh*t

Aniol: hey! No cussing in my book!

Triangle: what book? Anyways, he's a jerk and probably just wants to take advantage of you

Aniol: no he doesn't!

Triangle: yes he does! I'm warning you Poland. When I came to visit him, he started throwing punches at me! I'm only trying to protect you, Now stay away from him.

Why is he telling me this? There's no way he punched Czech, he's not like that! I turned off my phone and cough out a flower. I sighed as I lay back down on my bed. What now?

Germany's POV

Ok, got him a bunch of flowers and a get well card. Now time to visit him. I got into my car and started driving to his house. When I arrived I knocked on the door  the window opened and I saw Poland. "The door is open" he shouted weakly. it sounded like he had something in his throat. "ok!' I yelled back, turning the doorknob and letting myself in. I never actually been to Poland's house before, it's pretty nice. I climbed up the stairs and opened Poland's door, it had Poland's name on it so I knew it was his room. "heya Poland, here's the flowers and the card" I put my presents on the side of his table. I looked around his room, looks like people already gave him a lot of flowers. "wow, that's a lot of flowers. everyone must've sent you so much" I said in awe, the room was covered with pretty flowers. "gorgeous aren't they? sadly they have thorns that hurt me" he mumbled. 

"I can cut off all the thorns if you want" I told him. "no no, it's fine! it won't change anything anyways" he got quieter with every word he spoke. I noticed he had Czech's eyepatch on, I did not like that. "hmm, hold up. I still have flowers in the car. I'll go get it" I ran downstairs and out the house. I open my car and got the flowers, but when I turned around, I saw Czech. "what did I tell you? don't step in the house Germany" he threatened. "or else what?" I questioned. he got into a fighting position. "you better be ready" he snarled. he's telling me to fight, I don't want to. Poland is waiting for me inside! Czech runs up to me and does an upper cut, I dodged him and made him trip. "you cocky bastard, you think you're better than me? Poland shouldn't have to deal with someone like you" he got up and kept fighting, it was just like last night. him attacking and me blocking most of the time. I punched him in the face, stepping away from him. I tried running away, but he got back up again. 

"get back here!!" he shouted as he ran towards me, ready to knock me out or even kill me. I closed my eyes, why aren't I fighting back? he's gonna hit me at any moment. I waited for the impact, but it never came. 

"STOP! STOP IT CZECH! PLEASE! NO more" both me and Czech turned to see Poland bawling his eyes out. "Czech, why did you make him fight?" Poland asked. "Poland, you got all wrong! you see-" "NO" Poland cut Czech off.

 "no lying, Czech. why did you do it?"

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