chapter 9: hang on

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a/n: uhh this thing is gonna be depressing. Chapter 9 AND 10 will be like this. way more depressing Than the other chapters. there's gonna be self harm and other things that I shouldn't say or else I'll spoil it. just a heads up

Germany's POV

I was awoken by the sound of loud banging on my door, I sleepily got up. what time was it? I checked the clock, it was 3 am in the fricking morning. who could be at my door at this time? I swear if it's Czech, he does not want to mess with me at this hour. I went downstairs and opened the door, it was Hungary. his eyes were red and puffy, he looked as if he was running for days. it was raining outside, he could've caught a cold, he didn't even have an umbrella.

"Hungary, you look so tired! please come in, you're gonna catch a cold!" I let him in, but as he stepped in, he collapsed. "Hungary!" I screamed as I tried catching him. oh no, is he ok?! I touched his forehead, he caught a fever! why was he in such a hurry to see me? I carried him to the guest bedroom and put a pack of ice on his head. I'll ask him questions once he wakes up, for now I just need to keep an eye on him.

Poland's POV

a few hours ago, Hungary ran out to shout profanities at Germany and tell him to love me. it's 4 am now and I should be asleep, but he isn't back. I'm worried, what happened to him? why isn't he back yet? I have a lot of questions and a few to no answers. it's all because I fell in love, why must life be cruel? at least life gave me the world's greatest brother, he'll do anything for me. I should've helped him when I still had time, when I had time...

time is a pretty valuable thing now that I think about it. 'if only if I had time', everyone thinks about those words at least once in their life. maybe I should've spent more time with him, maybe I should've made time for him. he's been supporting me for all my life, I should've returned it. I sighed, picking up a flower from my room. all these flowers were puked out except the ones In the bouquet, those were from Germany. they look more beautiful than the ones I puke out, or maybe I'm just sick of my flowers. I plucked out a petal from the flower. he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not. I kept plucking till I plucked the last one.

he loves me not. I look around to the other flowers on the ground, isn't that obvious though? I stood up and kicked the flowers, digging my nails into my skin. what do I do? what can I do?! I puked again, but this time there was more blood than flowers. the thorns inside my throat kept torturing me, more flowers started to bloom on my face. they all had thorns, it felt as if a thousand bees attacked me. I looked at my hands, I could clearly see my blood on them. I began to freak out, every time a flower grows out of me, blood comes out. I'm a mess, the flowers started to take over. I don't want to suffer anymore, it hurts too much!! I could feel the flowers growing inside of me, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. my floor was entirely covered by flowers and blood, some of the flowers started to grow rapidly. now it wasn't just the floor, it was the walls and the ceiling of my room! 

I kept scratching myself with my nails, it was really sharp so I started to bleed where I scratched. if it's this bad, what am I going to look like when New Years comes?

I reached for my emergency rope, maybe I could climb down my window and ask for help. or...maybe I could...I grabbed a pen and a few papers, I started writing. I'm sorry Hungary.

Hungary's POV

I wake up on a couch, I look up to see Germany. what happened last night? I tried recalling my memories. "Hungary, you're awake!" Germany exclaimed. I tried to get up, but I was too weak. "what am I doing here?" I asked him as he gave me an ice pack. "well, you came running to my house and banged on the door for 5 minutes straight! I wondered why you were in such a rush to see me" he responded, pouring some tea for me. hmm, all I can recall from last night was me crying and....wait. Poland, he was puking. puking something unusual. agghh! I can't remember! all I remember is him saying hanahiki? hanaroki? what did he say?

oh right, hanahaki. "uh hey, do you know anything about a disease called hanahaki?" I asked him. "well, I think I heard it from Japan. they said that it was fictional" he told me, sipping his tea. fictional huh? "anyways, your voice sounds really sore. want any cough drops?" he offered. "oh yes please" he gave me the cough drops and I popped one in my mouth. Hmm, this reminds me of that time when....when...hold up. I instantly shot up. "Germany! Poland is close to dying!!" I yelled. I put down my cup and tried to get up.

"Wait what??" Germany was really confused. Oh right, I should tell him. "Well, about the whole Poland thing..." I told him everything that Poland told me. Germany was in shock, it was as if he couldn't breathe at this very moment. "He, has hanahaki?" He sounded so heartbroken. "That's why I came rushing to your house, to tell him that he loves you and to convince you to love him" I said, looking down. "Please, you're the only one who can save him! He only has 1 month to live!" I bawled, hoping that he says yes.

"Of course I'll go, I love him!" He looks at me and a music box. He picks it up and opens the door. "Come on, let's go!" I nodded and followed him. On the way, I told everyone what has happened. They had the same reaction as me and Germany. Everyone decided to follow us back home, hoping Poland will be safe.

We're coming Poland!

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