chapter 8: found out

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Poland's POV

I look at the two countries right in front of me, I heard every single word they uttered. Czech was explaining everything, he says he trying to protect me. the only thing he has to protect is his private parts, which I'm about to destroy if he doesn't say sorry. "apologise to him Czech, I won't forgive you if you don't say it" I threatened. "uggghhhhhhh fine, I'm sorry" Czech apologized and walked away. "I'm sorry about this Germany" I looked at him. "I swear he isn't always like that" I added. I took a step and stumbled to the ground. "oops" I nervously chuckled. Germany smiled and carried me to bed. 

"thanks for coming Germany, it means a lot" i smiled, it was nice having him around. "no problem Poland, I have to go now. hope you get well soon!" I watch him walk out the front door and drive away. he's a good friend. friend, that hurts. I'll just go back to sleep.

~ time skip ~

I hear my bedroom door being opened, it was Hungary. "hey Poland, wake up. you've been asleep for 8 whole days! haven't you gotten any sleep for the past few days?" Hungary asked me, bringing in my soup. "yeah, it's really hard to sleep" I tell him, rubbing my eyes. "question, why are you wearing Czech's eyepatch?" he asked me. I froze. "uhh, i think it looks really cool on me, yeah" I answered, sweating. "ok...? I'll be downstairs of you need me" he then closed my door. phew, that was close. I looked at my calendar, December 24. it's already Christmas Eve?? I was supposed to hang out with Germany today!

Germany's POV

I sat down on a bench thinking about how I should confess. I can't be too dramatic or straight forward, otherwise he'd think I'm weird. I could give him a letter, I don't know what to do. "Germany, how are you buddy?" I looked up to see ame carrying a bag from the gift shop. "oh, hi ame. what are you doing here?" I asked him as he sat down next to me. "I'm buying gifts for my friends and that vodka dumbass" he responded. "you mean Russia right?" I asked. 

"who else? well, that flirty son of a gun got my attention. I don't know what to give him, I kinda like him" he confessed. "heh, isn't that obvious? well, of course he'd love anything you give him. think of things he likes" I stated. he started to think. "vodka?" now that was predictable. "maybe something that isn't consumable" I snickered. "hmm, I think I know what to get! thanks Germany" he thanked me.

"why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything ame" I chuckled. "hey actually, can you help me with something?" I asked him. "sure bro, what is it?" ame responded. I chuckled nervously. "well, do you know how to confess to someone?" I ask him. he looked at me with a smug expression on his face. "oooooh, you gonna confess tomorrow? romantic" he teased. "shut up, you got advice or not?" I huffed. "just make it short and sweet, it will work" he said, confidently. "oh yeah? show me an example" I told him.

"hah! easy, ahem. HEY DUMBASS, DATE ME YOU COWARD. I WILL KEEP SHOUTING UNTIL YOU SAY YES SO YOU BETTER DROP THAT VODKA, GOT IT?" he kept yelling for a few more minutes until he stopped. "see, that's how you confess" he grinned. "but that wasn't short OR sweet" I told him. "but it did work~" a voice from behind said. we turned around to see Russia. "oooh plot twist!" I yelled, laughing. I see ame, completely red. it was so red that his clothes started to turn red too! 

"so you wanted to date me huh? why didn't you just say that sooner?~" he teased, hugging him from behind. "s-shut up Russia, you were that one that always flirted with me" he huffed. "aww come on, you know you love me. let's go, we're going to my house to have some fun" he flirted. "w-wait what?!" I watched them as they walked away. Russia's house was nearby, I wonder what they are doing.

~ meanwhile ~

"you said you were magic in bed" ame said, confused. "yeah, I did~" he responded. Russia pulled out the queen of spades. "was this your card?" Russia asked. "holy shit" ame gasped

Poland's POV

I ran back to the bathroom, puking flowers and blood. here we go again. it was starting to suffocate me. I stayed in the bathroom for half an hour coughing and puking it all up. finally it stopped, but how am I supposed to clean all this up before my brother comes to give me soup? "Poland, you were puking flowers for half an hour. what the hell is going on!?" I turned around to see my brother crying. "you're even bleeding!! please, tell me! tell me what's happening to you!" he bawled. 

"I just-" "and don't tell me you ate the flowers people gave to you because you were hungry! there Is no way you would eat the thorns!' he yelled. I looked down to the ground, I have to tell him. "I'll explain everything" I reassured him. Hungary wiped away his tears and tried to listen. I told him everything. I told him how it happened after the sleepover when I asked him to get something for sore throats and how it got bigger and bigger every time I puked, I even told him that I liked Germany. his eyes widened, never in his life has he ever thought that someone he knew would get in this situation. 

"please, don't blame Germany if I die" I said, looking down. "don't you dare say you'll die. I will run out of this house, bang on his door and yell at him until he loves you. you will live, and I'll make sure of it" he then runs out of the house, tears running down his face. "Hungary, wait!!" he couldn't hear me, he was already gone. I'm such a burden, I'm the one causing all of this. I have never seen Hungary like this, maybe I deserve this. maybe I deserve to die.

maybe it was destiny.

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