chapter 3: hidden

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Poland's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed. I tried to sleep, but it didn't work. the aching in my throat kept me awake. how long does it take until it suffocates you completely? I sit on my bed, blankly staring at the ground. 

knock knock knock! someone is knocking on my door. "Poland! why are you cooped up in your room? usually you sit in the living room and do whatever you do on the couch" Hungary asked. "I mean, the living room is clearly not a place for me anymore" I mumbled. "what did you say?" Hungary questioned. "nothing!" I responded. I looked at my phone, i got a text from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and went into my messages.

???: hey Poland 

anioł: um, who is this?

???: it's me, Germany 

anioł: wait, how did you get my number?

Germany: you kinda let your phone unlocked last night so I searched for your number so we could talk

anioł: you shouldn't have done that! people have private things in their phone >:(

Germany: lol sorry Poland, I just wanted to know your phone number without disturbing you

anioł: fine, I forgive u

anioł changes Germany into holy pierogi giver

anioł: there we go, much better

holy pierogi giver: what did you do?

anioł: I changed your name in the chat

holy pierogi giver: lol what did you put in?

anioł: secret~ :3 

holy pierogi giver: oh come on, tell me plz!

anioł: it's so cheesy tho XD

holy pierogi giver: aww, I have to go now. bye!

anioł: awww bye!

I smiled as I looked at our texts, but then THAT feeling came back again. the burning feeling in my throat. I put my phone down and rushed to the bathroom, locked the door and started vomiting petals and blood. I looked at the sink, the blood was new and the petals got bigger. it's just gonna keep on growing bigger until it suffocates me, right? I quickly cleaned up the sink, I can't have anyone know about this. especially my brother.

someone knocks on the bathroom door, Hungary. what a coincidence. "Poland, you're starting to worry me. are you sick? I saw you rushing to the bathroom." he stated. "plus, you were coughing so much in the car" Hungary added. "I'm fine brother, I just uhhh saw a bug in my room. yeah, it was huge to I ran to the bathroom to find something to kill it with" I responded in a strained voice, hoping that he believes me. 

"hmm, ok then. but be careful ok?" I nodded and Hungary went back to his own business. ok, that was close. I started coughing, here we go again. I puked out flowers again and cleaned it up.  now, what do I have to do today? I ate lunch, or was it breakfast? I looked at the clock, it read 2:00 pm. oh ok, I grabbed some cereal, but there wasn't any milk. Frick. I guess I'll go shopping. "hey Hungary! I'm going shopping! do you need anything!?" I shouted. "we need some flour, juice, snacks, maybe get some gyoza cuz  those taste pretty good, and bandages cuz we ran out!" he shouted back. I wrote down the shopping list and changed. 

"are you sure you need to go shopping? you just came out of a sleepover a few hours ago, plus you're coughing a lot. you can just stay home and I'll get the items we need" he suggested. "I already have my shoes on Hungary, I'll buy medicine as well so I'll be fine. bye!" I walked out of the door and took the train to the shops.

~ a few minutes later ~

now let's see. I look down at my shopping list. I'll go get the food first and then to the pharmacy. I enter the grocery store and looked for the milk. aha! found the milk! I grabbed the milk from the fridge and looked for the other stuff we need. I grabbed the flour and the gyoza and paid for it. I walked out of the store and went to the pharmacy. "Poland, is that you?" I turned around to see Japan. "Japan! how are you?" I asked her. "wonderful as usual" we talked for a bit, but then I realized. Japan could help me with my problem! 

"Japan, do you know anything about hanahaki? I kinda wanna make a fanfic about it. your people did create it right?" I questioned. "yeah they did!" Japan responded. "thank god! answer this please, is there any other way to get rid of hanahaki other than the surgery or telling the person you love them and them loving you back?" I asked, hoping there would be another way. "oh, that would be a no. those two are the only options the only other option is just dying" Japan answered. "oh" I said, disappointed. I looked down at my feet. I was hoping for another option, but there wasn't more. "thanks Japan, you helped me a lot" I smiled and walked inside the pharmacy, looking for the bandages.

the only choice I really got is telling him. telling him how I really feel. it can't end up that bad, right? I'll just find him and confess. it can't be too hard. I looked around and finally found the bandages. I went to the desk and purchased it. I walked out of the pharmacy, wondering how I should confess. maybe I should just leave a letter for him asking if he likes me or not. sounds like a great idea! but, hanahaki won't let me, it has to be me talking to him directly. 

how am I supposed to say this? just go up to him and say 'oh hey Germany, I really like you and crap, will you be my significant other?' sounds too straight-forward though. or maybe, I could recite a poem. 'oh art thou Juliet-' nah, too fancy. I sat down at the food court, thinking up ideas. 

'although war has waged, although both of us had raged'

'my heart can't handle this kind of thing, I dream that one day you'll appear with a ring'

'side to side, hand in hand, Germany I swear you're the perfect one for me in all the land'

'I'll forgive you, you forgive me, let's just sit together drinking tea''s terrible. Y E S. I'll recite this to him! I'll go to his house and confess! I got off my chair and headed off. I passed an ice cream store and bought two cones, 1 mint and 1 chocolate. he'll love this! I got a rose from the garden outside and continued to go through the mall. wait a minute, I think I saw Germany in the distance. I see Germany sitting on a table outside a café. this is my chance! "Germany! Germany! I got something to-" I was getting his attention, but then I saw someone else with him. I quickly hid and watched them. it was France! Germany was laughing with them. "oh remember that one time at that date-" date? are they dating?! I dropped the rose and ran away.

Germany's POV

"oh remember that one time at that date, I think it was in the 1600's? you know in June? the 6th of june? you know what I'm talking about. the date of that day was hilarious" France snickered. I barely held my laugh in. after France said that, I heard footsteps. someone was running away. I looked at the ground and found a rose. hmm, I swear I saw poland. "someone dropped their rose. I'll keep it for now" I put the rose on my suit and kept talking and laughing with France. "yeah, that date is always hilarious!" I bursted into laughter with my friend.

Poland's POV

I could barely see were I was going, my tears were making it hard to see where I was running. I ended up in a park. I sat down at the fountain In the middle of the park, bawling my eyes out. it's not gonna work out. it's never gonna work out. I ripped my piece of poetry and threw it in the fountain. I knew the poem was tacky, hahaha.... he loves France, not me. at least he's happy. I coughed up another petal, bigger than the one in the bathroom.


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