chapter 5: hi brother

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Hungary's POV

Ok! That's most of the chores done, now I'll need to wash the dishes and get the laundry. I headed to the the kitchen when I heard the doorbell. Ah, Poland must be back! I walked over to the door and opened it to see Czech carrying my brother.

"Oh hiya brother, how's it going?" Poland waved at me, I looked at him unimpressed. "So, what happened?" I asked. They explained how Poland felt dizzy and he stumbled to the ground. "I told you, you should've stayed home. You're sick, aren't you?" I felt his forehead, it isn't hot.

"I'm not sick, I just somehow got dizzy" he defended. "Yeah yeah, say what you want" I looked for something that would cure dizziness. "Here, take these" I handed him the medicine. "Now just lay down for the rest of the day. I'll make soup" I added. "Fine" Poland huffed. Czech slowly climbed up the stairs and put Poland in his bed.

"Thanks for the help Czech, we really appreciate it" I thanked Czech. "No prob, see ya later" he then walked out of our house. I closed the door and sighed. Ever since that sleepover he's been acting weird. Well, weirder than he's ever been. What is he hiding?

Germany's POV

I sighed. "I bet he pretended to forgive me out of pity" I bang my head on the table. "Oh come on Germany, don't be so depressing! I bet they're just friends!" She guessed. "How do you know? They could be dating, privately" I responded, shifting my eyes left and right. "Come on Germany, you are just paranoid! Now stop complaining" France took my arm and pulled it. I sighed.

Poland's POV

I look at the ceiling, bored as hell. "Ughhhh" I groaned. I feel paralysed, and my throat still aches from earlier. I heard a notification sound from my phone, was it Germany? I grabbed my phone, it was Japan.

Japan: hey, for your fanfic thing, hanahaki lasts for a month. Hope this helps! ;3

Anioł: thx Japan

I checked my calendar, it was December 4. It's been 4 days. I'll be gone by new years. I put my phone on my desk and flopped back on my bed. Back to blankly staring at the ceiling













the door slammed open. "here's your soup" Hungary placed the soup on my desk. "yeesh, there's a thing called knocking ya know?" I said, quite irritated. I slowly stood up and walked over to my desk. I turned my head to see Hungary studying me while stroking his "beard". I a few spoons of soup until Hungary started talking. "hmm, you don't seem like your normal self Poland" Hungary stated. "yeah? how so?" I responded, still irritated. "well, first of all, you're never irritated. I've never seen you angry" he got closer to me, studying my face. "second, look at your face! you got bags under your eyes!" Hungary added. "why thank you for noticing" I said sarcastically. he kept on ranting, on and on. I don't blame him, he's the best brother anyone could wish for. but, he won't understand my situation. 

"look, I'm trying to look out for you ok? I wish I knew what happens in that head of yours. I'm not forcing you to tell me now but please, when you're ready, tell me everything. and when I mean everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I want- wait no, NEED to help you in every way. you are my brother after all"

 now that speech struck me. guilt was filling me up to the brim. I want to tell him, but how could I? this is a fictional disease, a disease in which is caused by one sided love. even if he believes me, what if he finds out it's Germany? he absolutely hates the guy. but then again, he would keep me alive at any cost. even if he had to get along with someone who hurt his brother. ha...he doesn't like me anyways so what's the point.

the was a long silence in between us. this silence wasn't comforting at all. Hungary looked back at me, then he left the room, leaving me alone. again, I coughed and out came the petals falling into my soup. bigger than ever I see. i walked my way back to the bathroom, puking out flowers on the way. I started coughing again. then out of nowhere, I puked out a whole flower. it hurt, it hurt so much. I could feel the thorns brushing the inside of my throat. once again, I puked out a whole flower.

Germany's POV

"hey, you know what? you should buy a present for Poland" France suggested. "a present?" I asked. "yeah, you know, for Christmas! then you could tell him that you love him!" France exclaimed. "that's actually a great idea!" I exclaimed. "then come on!" she pulled me to the gift shop nearby. we looked at all kinds of gifts. "hmm, do you think Poland would like a vase?" I asked. "um, maybe you should get him something that he actually likes?" I looked around more. "well, I guess he likes music" I stated. I walked around for 5 minutes until finding the perfect gift. 

"a music box" I picked it up, the box was wooden and pretty roses were carved onto it. I opened it up and the music was so calm and soothing, I almost fell asleep. there were words carved  out on the inside of the music box. 'please don't forget'. 

the music box was perfect! I went up to the desk to pay for it. "that would be $2000 please" wow, that much? I don't have that much. maybe I can work. wait, I have something. I looked at my necklace, it's made of sapphire. my father gave it to me. I'm sure it would be fine if I gave it, he already has given me so many gifts. I took of my necklace. "hey uh, is it ok if I trade my necklace for this?" I asked. the person who was working there grabbed the necklace and looked at it. "wow, this is a rare artifact! are you sure you want to trade it for this old thing?" they ask, pointing at the music box. "yes. I am sure" I immediately responded to them. "well ok then, her you go" I picked the music box up and left the shop. 

"dang, you must really like Poland if you were willing to give that up!" France stated. I'm looked the box. of course, he's worth everything. "heh, yeah" I responded. "so, you gonna wrap that?" France asked. "nah, I'll give it him personally, unwrapped" I said confidently.

"I hope he likes it"

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