chapter 4: triangle

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Czech's POV

there we go, my shift is done! i went to the back and changed out of my work clothes. "nice work today Czech!" my subway coworker said. "thanks" i thanked him. "well, i'm going home now. see ya later" i waved him goodbye and headed home. i got out my headphones and listened to my songs.

"Do dododo do do dododo" I hummed while making my way downtown. While I was walking, I heard someone crying. Who was it? It came from the park. I checked the area and saw Poland there. oh no, what happened?
I ran up to him, he still doesn't notice me.

"Poland?" I called. Poland looks up, his eyes widened. He quickly tried to wipe away his tears. His eyes looked so puffy and red. "Oh, Czech! Didn't see you there. How's it going?" He tried hiding his face.

"Poland, are you ok?" I asked. He looked like a mess, a hot mess. He looked the other way, trying to put a smile on his face. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." He responded. I realised he had ice cream in his hands. "So uh, you gonna eat that?' I questioned, taking a seat beside him. He looked at the ice cream and then me. "Here, you can have the chocolate one" Poland handed the ice cream to me and we started eating it.

"Hey Czech, can you stay with me for a bit? I-i kinda got lost ahaha..." Poland looked so desperate and distraught, how can I leave him now? I finished up my ice cream. "Of course, wanna go to a restaurant? I'm starving!" I exclaimed. Poland giggled. "Yeah, me too! Let's go!" He shouted, taking my hand and pulled me to a restaurant he loved. I tried hiding my blush, that must be the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life.

No one's POV

But the two didn't realise who was watching them behind the tree....

Germany's POV

Poland, he was sad. I saw the tears running down his face, who could've done this to him? Just thinking about that makes my blood boil.

I tried to go up to him, but Czech was already running to him. They were talking and eating ice cream. Then they went somewhere. I'll follow from behind.

I followed them to a restaurant I knew Poland loved. I see them talking, what are they talking about?

"Heya Germany, stalking your crush I see" i jumped at the voice and turned my head to see France. "France, when did you get here?!" I whisper-yelled. "I followed you lover boy. So this is the person that stole your heart? You better get your man back, he gonna get stolen" France points at czech's face, it was red.

"No way I'm just gonna jump in and say 'hey Poland, I really love you can you be my lover?' cuz that ain't gonna work. He's gonna think I'm weird" I huffed. France sighed. "Come on Germany! Don't throw away your shot, Or else someone else will take him!" France encouraged me.
"May I take your order?" The waiter asked. Oh yeah, I forgot we were in a restaurant. "Oh um, can I have uhh" I looked at the menu. "Uhh Boba tea and any dessert you have" I responded.
"Same for me" France stated.
The waiter then walked over to
The other tables.

Poland's POV

"So, if it isn't to personal, why were you crying?" Czech asked. Oh god, I'm not explaining that. "Oh uh i-it's very hard to explain and u-uh-" I stammered. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me" he reassured. "Your food" the waiter said, placing down our orders and then walking away. We started eating in silence. Slowly taking a bite...then chewing....then we swallowed....

It was very awkward. I turned my head towards the window, wondering what Germany was doing. "Hey uh, whatever's bothering you, it'll go away soon. You won't be like this forever you know? I'm here for you" Czech announced. That was a nice speech, but it will haunt me forever. It will haunt me until the day I die, and that won't be long til I do. But he wouldn't believe my disease, hanahaki was supposed to be fake. Oh no, my throat. Not now. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I dashed to the bathroom and started puking once more, the petals forever expanding.

I cleaned it up and returned to the table. "Poland, you don't look very well" Czech stated, I looked at my reflection in the window. I'm losing colour. My red is slowly turning black. "Really? I feel perfectly fine. I would like to go home though" I told him. "Ok, let me take you home" he offered his hand and I took it.

Everything started to spin, I feel so dizzy. I stumbled to the ground and Czech had to carry me all the way to my house. "Are we there yet?" I asked  "nope" he responded

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