chapter 10: my petals expanded

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Germany's POV

I ran as fast as I could, I turn around to see everyone behind me.

'Running downtown, eyes up, this is the place, the battleground'

They know what's happening and they have come to support Poland.

'Adrenaline pumping, my feet is stomping, I'm coming your way'

I'm glad everyone is here, we can make it! He'll be there, safe and sound. I'm coming to cure you Poland, I know I haven't been friends with you for that long, but I have grown feelings.

'don't frown, keep your pretty smile and stay strong. I know it will be a while'

I'm glad he feels the same way, but right now he's suffering. He's calling me, we're coming.

'stay up, keep dreaming, stay up! Keep living!'

You're safe. A million thoughts run through my head, I'm worried. Will I make it in time?

'question after question, am I running out of time? Will I make it? Will I make you mine?'

Well, of course I will. He has a month until the flowers take over.

'petal after petal, I watch as they fall. Again and again will this torture end, will be alive after all?'

Poland's POV

'inhale, exhale. There's no need to panic after all'

Heh, I can feel my wings already.

'just a second, just one little second. Not to long till I rise!'

I step up. This is the moment, it Will only take one second.

'i'm so sorry everyone, look how much things I caused. My dear brother I'm sorry, I guess I'm selfish after all'

This world was fun, I made so many friends. It was nice to know that people cared about me, but i have to go.

'the people who surround me, taught me many things. The who surround me, taught me how to grow wings'

They'll be fine without me. Maybe their lives will be easier. I smile as I thought about it. I stare at the letters on the ground, those are to my closest friends. Everyone's gifts were there too.

'it would be fine if you forget me, that way the pain will go away. It would be fine if you remember how you helped me on my way'

"I love you Germany, I hope you have a good life"

Germany's POV

We're almost there! I never ran this fast before, don't worry Poland, I'll take your suffering away.

'right outside, slam the door, remember what this was all for. Up the stairs, through the hallways and here we are.
Turn the knob, see what you find hope what you see won't make you blind'

I slowly turned the doorknob. "Poland, I'm here!!" I cried as I opened the door. But what do I find? A hollow corpse, hanging from the ceiling. His entire body was covered with flowers. "P-poland?" Tears escape from my eyes, this isn't real!! It can't be, he's not dead! He's just resting. I touched his check, it was so cold.

"P-poland, good morning sleepy head haha, I brought you a gift! Merry Christmas" I broke down in tears as I presented the music box to a dead body. Nothing could stop the tears, nothing. It was dead silent.
"Y-you wanna h-hear the music?" I asked. I opened it up and turned the handle, it started to play the beautiful music. I looked at the words carved into the wooden box. "Please don't forget" i muttered, it made me bawl even more. "POLAND!" I screamed, mourning the once lively, bubbly person I once knew.

I heard footsteps coming up to the bedroom. I heard the others come in, they couldn't believe what was Infront of their eyes. Poland, why would you do this? Why did you do this to you yourself!

I looked at my hands, it was stained with Poland's blood. It was me. I'm the one who killed him, it was all my fault! I spotted a letter and a gift on the floor, it was for me. I picked the letter up and read it.

Dear Germany,

I look like a mess, don't I? All because I fell in love. But please don't blame yourself, I was already a burden when I was alive. All good love stories end in tragedy, doesn't it? I forgive you, just like I forgave you at the sleepover. Everything is going to be alright, ok? I'll always be by your side, even if you can't see me. So don't me sad, be happy! Smile for me, I'll never leave your side. And don't forget:
I love you!

Love, Poland

I picked up the gift, it was a framed picture of us at the sleepover. I almost forgot! I hugged the picture, wishing it was Poland. I know you asked me to smile, but how can i? You're gone! Guilt washes over me. I'm stuck in a never ending tsunami of guilt. I will never forgive myself. I guess it is true, all good love stories end in tragedy.

- a few days later -

It's time for Poland's funeral. I got up and drove to the cemetery. Everyone was there. I sighed, trying to hide my tears. I decided to make a speech.

"Poland, he didn't deserve wat happened to him. He deserved a long life filled with joy. We all miss him, including me. I loved him, he gave me forgiveness, kindness and even love. I thank him for that, may you rest in peace Poland. You are in a better place now" I ended my speech.
Poland, I miss you too much.

Days pass by, and every single day I would visit Poland and tell him what's been happening. And  before I leave, I turn the handle of the music box so he can enjoy it.

weeks pass by, I spend more time with him. I wake up at 5:00 am and stay with him till 12:00 pm. I always took the music box and the picture of us together with me when I visited him.

months pass by, I decided to move into a small log cabin near the cemetery so Poland is closer to me. I spend all the hours I'm awake with him.

years pass by, everyone has knocked on my door and told me that I should let go of the past. how dare they say that, I will never abandon Poland.

today, I sat outside on my porch, staring at Poland while I play the music box. I started to cough. suddenly, a petal came out. I started puking out flowers and blood on the same day, and no one ever noticed. the next day, the flowers suffocated me. Hungary found my body and a funeral was held. I watched as they weeped for me, I can't believe that the hanahaki disease killed me just in two days. I opened my eyes to see clouds. is this what they call heaven?



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