Chapter 25: New Plan

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"Thank you for inviting me along with you guys." Clinton's all showered up. Marlena just got home from her first day of school. And Palmer went home to change, came back and picked them up.

Clinton lifts his glass of water, as in cheering, but no one returns it. "No problem at all. I wanted to make it up to you girls since we didn't get to see that movie. Speaking of which, it should still be in theaters, if y'all want to go?"
Marlena is too busy emerged in her phone to hear any of the conversation. "Earth to Mars." Palmer laughs at the use of planets.

Clinton grows tired of trying to receive attention, so he grabs his straw paper. Bundling it up into a ball, he aims. Tossing it right in her hair. Where it clings. Marlena quails. "Ah!" Dropping her phone, water spills everywhere. She hurries to pick the phone up. "Why would you do that Kline?!"

Standing, she flicks her soaking fingers on Clinton. Water mists across his face. "Hey! You little-. Mmh.", he growls.

Palmer grabs napkins, cleaning the spill. "Come on kiddos.", she jokes.

After the liquid is absorbed, Marlena finally sits down. Placing her phone in her back pocket. Knowing all too well how it feels to be ignored. She's quiet, so to her, it seems people always pretend they don't hear her. "What was the question?"

Rolling yellows stones, "Do you want to see a movie since we didn't get the chance to last time?"

Beautiful brown eyes light up the dim room. "Yesss! I've been dying to see Magic Mike 2." She turns to Palmer abruptly, almost knocking her glass over a second time. "Palmer, have you seen the first one?"

A naughty smile appears upon her face. "Yes.", admitting sheepishly. "I really want to see the second one."

"Me too!", she hops on the booth.

Just as Palmer is about to speak, their food arrives. Everyone got something different. Clinton ordered a cheeseburger, Marlena wanted grilled chicken, Palmer's belly was craving wings.

"How was school today?" Clinton asks before taking a bite. Sitting across from him is weird for Palmer. Always so close, but distant from his heart.

Her movements stop. "Good." That's what every kid says when asked how they're doing.

Palmer knows what it's like to be the only girl. No sister, or even a brother. Trying to engage more of a conversation, "What is your favorite subject in school?" Clarifying just in case she's one of those smart asses that don't answer the actual question, knowing damn well what was meant.

Right off the bat. There's no hesitation in her tone. "I've always been a sucker for Science. I'm currently taking AP Chemistry." Palmer can relate. Taking all sorts of classes to become an RN. Though she's unsure if that's her favorite subject.

"That's impressive girl! You go!" Utter joy for this young woman. "I always struggled in school. From kindergarten all the way up to college. There was a full twelve years that I thought I'd never succumb to anything. Kids would tell me how stupid I was, because I couldn't quite understand basic material. Day in and day out someone tells you you're this or that, you soon believe it."

Marlena takes interest in the subject at hand. "What made you become an RN then? That's a competitive field, quite difficult."

Palmer smiles, almost proud of herself but doesn't want to spread too much pride. "Those kids. I wanted to prove them wrong. I thought I could never do anything. That I was dumb. But I'm not. I am smart. Everyone with a brain is smart. Some lack in areas, but that's everyone unless you work hard to be better. I worked so hard to get where I'm at. Wanting to give up, but I didn't. I had to prove that I could do it. That was the proudest I had ever been of myself. It felt so good to graduate with great grades. I proved them wrong, and more importantly, myself."

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