Chapter 20: Change of Plans

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The lights of the gym flicker on. "Welcome home!" Clinton tries to be chipper for Marlena. "Want to order some pizza and watch a movie?"

That might be the last thing she wants to do. Clinton wants to take her mind off things. "Either that, or we work out. Your pick."

"Movie. No pizza. Not hungry." Stalking over to the counter, Clinton places the car key down.

As if shoving a hand through his hair will shove the problems aside, he realizes he has to pick apart each problem, one hair at a time.

"Listen, Kade called. He said you've been ignoring him." Marlena's color begins to lighten. "I didn't tell him about the situation." The color returns. "But one of has to. I think it should be you Marlena. Now I will be here for you. I can be there with you. I don't want to step in and say what you feel. I don't know how you truly feel Marlena. I can relate to some things, understand some things, but I am not you. It's best to wait until he's here. You can do it face to face, after his deployment."

Marlena needs help now. Not a potential year from this point. Kade is gone. Clinton is all she has at the moment. What if is doesn't bother her later? Or worse, what if the problems increase, and Kade is no where to be found?

"Why after Clinton? Why not now? So he doesn't have to worry about me?"

Clinton feels awful for thinking it, but the man has stress as it is being away. Dealing with everything. If Marlena tells Kade now, what if he freaks out? Kade would kill himself if something happened to his little sister, after killing everyone who ever hurt her.

If he knew, he'd come home right this instant. He'd fucking swim to the states, catching all diseases for his little sister, just to make sure she's okay. So he could take care of her. Not caring who would come after him. Or who what would happen to his status in the Navy.

Clinton doesn't want that. He's not Kade, but he wants to step in, for as long as it takes, until he makes it home safe.

"I'm not Kade Mars. But right now I'm trying my best to be someone similar. I just want you to be okay. That means us hanging out, doing homework together. Painting nails, make up, hair, whatever, I don't care. Please. Just let me try."

Marlena silently walks over to Clinton, bear hugging him. Well, more like a cub hug and he's the bear hugging her. "Okay.", she whispers on the hairs of his arm.

Clinton pecks the scalp of her head, "Thank you." His pocket begins to buzz. Unsure if it's an actual person trying to contact him, or just another useless notification.

Palm Tree: Hey, so you're always inviting me out...are you hungry enough to get food with me? My treat :)

Awe baby...I can't., he reminds himself. Marlena just arrived and there's no way in hell he's leaving her alone. Poor girls. Can't please everyone. Rejection is not the best feeling, but Clinton truly can't. He hopes she can understand.

Him: I'm so sorry baby. Marlena just got discharged today. We're going to stay in for the night. Possibly year.

An immediate response.

Palm Tree: How is she?

What a girl, to care about his girl.

Him: Good. I think. Thanks. I'll see you in a couple days for training, okay? Maybe I can make it up to you then.

Palm Tree: It's okay, no big deal. Have a great night Clinton Kline. I hope everything goes well for Marlena. Sweet dreams handsome.

Fuck, the knife in his heart digs deeper. He'd say she's driving it, but it's all his fault.

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