Chapter 16: Bad Decisions

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Palmer aches from the burning rashes on her once smooth skin. Like someone sanded the outside of her body. The salt dried her throat to where it's almost impossible for her to swallow. "Clinton?"

His name from her lips is either the most beautiful or deadliest thing he's heard. Rage is the first instinct, but he suppresses it. Kissing her forehead. The salt stains his lips until that's all he can taste. As if she wasn't in pain already, his next words cause grief to her aching soul. "What the fuck were you thinking?! I almost lost you!!!"

He stands as she lays naked before him. Circling, going out of his mind, swept into the past. When he found Marlena so lifeless. Palmer was literally lifeless. Crouching, Clinton screams, tears continue to burst through. God how did he let himself reach this point? Soaking wet, the breeze doesn't even phase him.

Palmer sits up, attempting to brush the sand off, but it hurts too much. Everything hurts too much. "I-I'm sorry...I just wanted to let loose for once." Her response kills him. Let loose? Let loose?!? There are millions of ways to let lose!

Still hunched, his beading now red eyes squint at her. Hands cringe out with fury. "We could have went for a run Palmer! Or worked out! If you wanted to let loose we could have danced on the sand! Or gone to a movie. Something! You don't just jump into the ocean at the deadliest hour in the dark!! Fuck I can't even with you right now. I am beyond pissed!"

As if she's a kid, he screams his anger towards her. So she made a mistake, everybody does. She didn't mean any harm. Sand finds it way through out her body. It aches to stand but she does. Pulling herself together, she steps into her clothes. Clinton's are gone, lost at sea. Still in his boxers, he stand with her.

Once dressed he begins to walk ten steps in front of her. Agitated and in need of a shower. "Clinton...", the name, a whisper. So much has been taken out of her. She collapses into the sand. Heaving more of the salted contents. She throws up the food they didn't get to finish. Guilt buries into the depth of her being.

Side tracked, Clinton lifts her into his arms. Heat radiates off him. So much so that she clings to the feeling. "Thank you." Though he's pissed, he can't help but care so much for her.

All the way to the Challenger, he doesn't care that the sand will ruin the interior. He gently sets her inside, thank god he left the keys inside. Risky, but smart after losing his clothes. Starting the vehicle, he blasts the heat, aiming it at Palmer. The lights shine on her. "God baby, look at you." Blood scraped her skin from the brush burns. "We have to get you cleaned up immediately. You're covered in scrapes and scratches."

Even her face is marked up. Driving through the lifeless city, no shoes or clothes, if they get pulled over, he'd be a wreck. Palmer stares out the window, closing her eyes as tears drip. Clinton wants to be alone, but has to be there for Palmer. What's he going to tell her mother? Fuck.

"I'm sorry you lost your clothes Clinton." Eyes roll in the back of his head.

Biting down so hard, one would think his teeth broke. He slams hands on the steering wheel. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Clothes?! You think I care about clothes?! Palmer! I almost lost you for fucks sake! Clothes are replaceable! You are not!!"

Though he doesn't mean to be so harsh, he just is. Clinton lost a lot of people at a young age. The traumas never left. Seeing it happen almost two more times tears him apart. Pulling on his hair, sand bellows, raining everywhere. Like tiny pieces of hail, pelting his bare skin. "I can't believe you don't understand how the fuck I feel right now. I just can't even fathom why you thought it would be a pleasurable idea to go swimming in the ocean at twelve in the god damn morning!" Before he causes more anguish, he swallows the rest of the words. "After we get to the gym and you're all cleaned up, I need some space to cool down."

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