Chapter four

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It is only a man without problems that sleeps at peace and Kamsi was not that man. She was not a woman who knew how to deal with pain. She burdened her heart with alot of thoughts and even when she sleeps, her thoughts follow her to the realms of dreams where they taunt her with even exaggerated versions.

The Nwoko couple, Mark and Kamsi had been quarrelling from Monday till Saturday. It was the sort of quarrel where the woman greets and she is ignored. She serves him food and leaves it at the dining and the man grumpily eats without appreciating her. The little cold war arose from mention of Ella's visiting. Only Mark knew why it was hard on him.

Their quarrel was a norm ever since the first disagreement they had about her quitting her job. She did not like the idea, Mark persisted sweetly until it became a quarrel where he no more responded to her greetings. She was used to their quarrel even though she hoped they would grow past it. She did not know when or how. Those quarrels were designed majorly for her to be starved of his company, his attention until she got tired and gave into his will.

They were traveling to Nsukka on a day before Sunday so they could be available for helping in the celebration on Sunday. Kamsi already knew that there were hired caterers that means less work but she was happy she would be in a different environment with more people not just her husband. Because of their state of communication, nobody asked the other what they would be putting on so they could show up in matching attires in such a public function.

The ride to the village was a silent one. Just the sound of the voices in the radio filled the air. When she tried at communicating, she turned to him and asked,

"How has work been? "

He looked briefly at her as if she had fowl feathers in her hair then he focused back on the road, tapping his lap with his free hand. Kamsi could not wait for the journey to end. She brought out her phone and began to play 'Temple Run '
She allowed herself to curse loudly when she lost in her game. She just wanted Mark to at least say, "Keep it low" but he did not. He continued in silence and his silence influenced him even to shout back at drivers on the road.

Their home in the village was an estate where all the Nwokos stayed when they were all back in the village. Storey buildings and bungalows were littered all over the large plot of land. They had the first gate and the second gate. Both were big black gates and the fence was a very high one to stop perpetrators . They learnt in a hard way that those two black gates and the fence no matter how high was not enough protection.

They had a security man who let in his accomplices. In a place with variety of houses, they came with their guns and started with the first house. It was during the time of "Onwa Ito" festival. Most of the family members did not come back for it. It was just the house keeper who occupied one of the bungalows and Ifeanyi, junior brother to Mark's father. He was the owner of the house that the thieves raided. He signed a check and let them go without contacting the police. The story was told over and over again but what was not added in the story was that, the thieves came with a toy gun. Only Ifeanyi knew that part of the story.

They finally arrived at the gate of their home in the village. Mark hooted and waited for the security to go through the protocol of verying if they could enter. They were a new set. The security was changed monthly. The young man on uniform at the gate finally let them in. Mark had been so irritated in the car. He shook his head before burying it on the steering while they were verifying what they had to. His face wore a gloomy mask even after he parked the car and stepped out.

Kamsi hoped he would carry her box. It was light but she did not want to climb the stairs carrying the box. They were not in speaking terms so she had been the one to carry it down to the car before they left Okigwe. Light shone on her path when Michelle came out with her husband walking hand in hand towards them. Michelle was smiling and then she laughed, her eyes connecting with Kamsi. She loved laughing each time she sees her for her poor sense of fashion. Kamsi did not even try to pull off anything today, she just wore a knee-length butterfly gown with slippers.

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