Chapter Fifteen

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Dusk descended with a darkness that engulfed the earth quickly. It could be because it rained. The rain had come bearing gifts of a fallen temperature. Cold, Kamsi was covered in a big navy blue sweater that had been her step mother's own.

From the dining where she stood, she could see her features in the glass window although faint ,she could see her puffy eyes and she could see the darkness beyond the window in place of the little garden she would have seen had it been in the day or had it been the back yard light was turned on.

She walked to the kitchen and turned on the switch to the backyard light then she returned to where she stood at the window. She could now see green in the garden and red from the little pepper that grew at the edge. The garden just like her was not as bright as it used to be in the day time. Hers was different she has not been as bright as she used to be in two days.

She had switched off her phone so nobody could reach her. She knew she could stop her mouth from telling all that happened but she could not stop her tears from flowing if the topic of the job she got was mentioned. She did not want people to know. She felt could take care of herself and taking care of herself was walking about the house like a girl walking on a floor of pins; slowly and with pain etched from her heart to be displayed on her face.

She walked to open the door when she heard the door bell.

"Welcome " she said and turned to walk in but Mark pulled her hand and turned her around. She stood there looking at him. She had not looked at his face since she watched him tear her hopes. He was still the handsome man she was inlove with. He did not look inconsiderate and inhuman as memory served. It blocked her throat to think that she did not know what else lay behind this handsomeness.

"You have been ignoring me " he said.

Kamsi kept looking at him without awarding him a reply.

"Sweetheart? " he called, holding her waist and pulling her to his body.

"I made food for you like I always do . It's on the table " she said, struggling to remove his hands on her waist.

" I know where to get my food. What's with the attitude? "

All over again, tears pooled in her eyes. She did not fight them. He had seen her cry so many times, he was always the cause. She did not mind the tears that fell as she opened her mouth and started to speak.

"I have been a good wife. I have listened to you alot of times even when you do not make sense to me. I worked hard to get my degree . I got a job and you promised me a better one if I quit. " she sniffed and wiped her nose.

" That job, it never came. I did not sign up for this, I don't want to be a house wife " her voice was already rising in frustration.

"I worked to get that job, the one you felt justified to stop, I applied for it, it gave me joy but you took it away. You took it away"

Now, she was in uncontrollable tears, her shoulders shaking but her eyes never left Mark's.  He held her head to his chest and ran his palm soothingly down her back.

"Don't talk like that " he whispered.

"I am going to get you something. Stop crying. Please stop crying "

She relaxed in his arms, taking the comfort he offered still letting out little sobs. His hands ran up and down her back then he pulled her face and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I just want the best for you. Please be patient with me " he said.

Kamsi believed him, believed that he stopped her from going to work because he had something bigger. She thought of the past promises he had failed but she wanted to trust her husband. She wanted to give him another chance to prove himself.

She took her arms round him, enjoying his warmth and smiling as she felt him kiss her neck then her jaw before taking her lips in his. She stood on tip toe to return the kiss. Her hands travelled the length of his back.

A knock on the door pulled them apart. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Sit down. I'm coming "

"You have a guest?" She asked

"Honey just sit down " he said, ushering her to a seat.

She sat, though reluctantly. She looked at the television with disinterest. She strained to make out the voices at the door. She could hear Timothy's voice and Mark's own but they were in a very low undertone.

The door closed and she turned to look at the small space between the door and the parlor. It was a dark room. She saw Mark coming in with a crib. He struggled to carry the cribs from both sides. She stood up when she saw him. It was the wooden cot she wanted for her unborn baby.

"I realized I could get the baby an early gift. " he said with a smile then he winked at her and she laughed.

She was still in awe looking at him and the cot. The cot was one of the things she had wanted to get with her first salary. She walked close and ran her fingers on it.

" Timothy cleaned it " he joked, as if she was checking for dirt.

She laughed then mouthed "Thank you "
It was not just for the cot she thanked him. She thanked him for proving her right that he still had some love and humanity. She thanked him in hopes that as the cot came, her work would come too.. As a surprise.

A little ice to calm yesterday's fire.

How is the
holiday going wherever you are?

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