Fourty Three

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On the  last night of the year, the whole family always gathered in the space inbetween the first gate  and the second gate. Some people stood while others brought out seats from their houses.

From where Mark stood with Joseph and his cousins who were in the same age bracket, he could see Kamsi and Michelle  where they sat side by side on the concrete stand that held up the artificial Christmas tree.  They never stopped talking,  their eyes darted around and then they bent and laughed while talking. He was far from them and he could not hear a word they spoke but he could tell they were making jokes about people like two school girls and maybe he was also a topic because he had caught their eyes in his direction often.

The dancing started and the younger ones of Ella's age who were still awake  danced first with  Junior crawling around on the mat that was kept for him at the centre of the make shift stage. There were even an organized group of  children in the university who came out and began to imitate how the older people walk and talk. The person who acted like Mark, showed him to be an observer and when he talked it was to say, " No, No, I strongly do not agree with that "

Mark looked around the people laughing. "That's not me " he said, also laughing. Others around were applauding the young boy which meant that he was a bit accurate. Mark watched Kamsi as she fell into Michelle laughing. Even little junior was sitting on his mat and clapping like he heard a thing that was said.

"The pregnant women, to the dance floor! " Nneka, one of Mark's cousins shouted.

Kamsi hid her face in her palm laughing knowing that she was the only pregnant woman in their midst.

"I'm shy" she mouthed to those who were watching her.

"Urediya! " shouted Ugochukwu, one of the cousins who returned from Canada.

"Asampete" Michelle whispered.

"Agbomma! " Another person shouted.

"Ego oyibo'm' Mama said and everyone laughed.

A laughing Mark walked to Kamsi and extended his hand to her. " Obi'm" he said, "Nwanyi m ji aga mba"

"Just stop it" Kamsi said laughing then she stood to her feet and walked to the center of the gathering with him.

"Dj, roll it! " Joseph shouted to the young boy who was playing songs from a Bluetooth speaker with his phone. Joseph rushed and replaced Kamsi beside Michelle.

The music came on and Flavour's  "Ada Ada" came  on. Kamsi covered her face and fell into Mark's chest. He held her to him and began to dance till she pulled away. She smiled at Michelle before bending down in a waist dance. Someone ran and brought a handkerchief for her. She used it to wave around in the air while shaking her waist and for a moment that stage was hers, forgetting Mark and every other person around until the song ended with claps and  cheers.

The first banger exploded in the sky at midnight, writing 'Happy  New Year' even in all its beauty, Junior  crawled out of his mat hurriedly to Michelle, clearly frightened with his eyeballs looking like they were about to leave their sockets. Kamsi raised him from the ground and carried him around while she hugged the family members saying, "Happy new year "

"Happy new  year" that was what filled everywhere with the sound of wine bottles being popped and the music still playing while Joseph and Michelle danced in a corner with few others around.

Mark walked to Michelle with his glass of wine. "Let's go to bed " he said, "Church service is in less than four hours "

Kamsi nodded then walked to Michelle and handed over her son. "Goodnight, Pumpkin " Michelle said, hugging her. "It's going to be a great year"

"Amen" Kamsi replied then waved at Joseph. "Dede goodnight "

"Goodnight, carrot" he replied. Kamsi laughed while Michelle covered her face in feigned embarrassment.

Kamsi fell straight into the bed without showering. It was Mark who washed his face, pulled off his polo and trousers then joined her in bed with just his briefs.

"Let me help you remove your clothes " he offered, already raising a part of her loose ankara gown to her hips.

"You are  horny" she stated, without looking at him.

"I'm not " He replied then lay back facing the ceiling, pushing back the standing traitor inbetween his legs.

Kamsi turned to face him, lying on her side and using her hands as a pillow. "Do you have resolutions for this year? " she asked.

"Ofcourse. Only a foolish man enters a new Canaan without a list"

"What are your resolutions? " Kamsi asked with a smile.

"To  be better,  to you as a husband, to my work as an employee, to God as a servant " he replied , "What's yours? "

"To grow " she replied,  watching him without letting go of the smile that adorned her face.

There was silence except for the sound of Mark's foot as it brushed along the other . "I love you, Kamsi. I have never stopped " he said, breaking the silence.

"Thank you " she replied, patting his hand then she turned back to the wall. He followed her, snaking an arm around her waist and settling his hand on her belly while he planted kisses on her nape.

"I am not in the mood " she said, sternly.

"No, I'm not doing anything to you " He quickly defended, "I just want to hold you "

Kamsi smiled in the cover of the darkness then placed a hand over his hand on her belly. The year seemed to have started off well.

Happy new year everyone! Hope you got your resolutions? 😂
Do not attack me if it's not the first day of the year in your country, we could be five months apart🙄

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