Chapter Eighteen

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Kamsi was sitting in Joseph's parlor. She kept looking at her intertwined hands. She did not like the silence that followed after he asked her,

"Why didn't you accept the job? "

And she replied, "I was not ready then but I am now"

The silence was too uncomfortable for Kamsi. The way Joseph kept staring at her, Kamsi felt he could see her lies. Michelle was angry with her . She just sat on a dining chair, breastfeeding Junior.

" I will not do it again " she said, looking up a little at Joseph then at Michelle.

"Let me make a few calls. I'll be down shortly " Joseph said.

He stood and left through a door at the dining. Michelle covered up and carried Junior to a cushion. She got pillows and wedged the baby inbetween the cushion and pillows.

"He does not believe you " She said, as she got more pillows to cage the boy from falling.

"Does that mean he won't help me? "

" He wants you to tell him with your own mouth why you did not accept the job. He already said he's suspecting something " Michelle said. She was now sitted on the same sofa where she laid her baby.

"I was not ready then but I'm ready now . Please talk to him for me "

"Kamsi, did you not like the place? "

She trusted Michelle enough to tell her things but what she did not want was for her to bear resentment for her husband just like Maka did.

"I like the place. I want the job back, please help me talk to Dede" She said as a stray tear rolled down her right eye.

Joseph comes back. He taps Michelle and they go towards the dining, they talk in undertones for a while then Michelle exits afterwards. Joseph then walks to the sitting room. He picks up the can of 'Pure heaven ' she had emptied from the glass stool beside her and throws it in the trash bin.

"I was disappointed " he says.

Kamsi just stared at him, the familiarity in the way he talked. Mark was like him in many ways but he was not like Mark. Joseph gave his wife freedom, freedom to work and earn,  to live her own life.

"You know the person I called to get you that place, we have not spoken in years. I threw aside the pride and picked up my phone and I asked for that favor. I thought you needed it. That's why I went through the trouble. I thought you needed it " Joseph said.

She tried to keep her mouth shut and her eyes dry. She was just silent.

"They are not even recruiting now. I just wanted you to be there till next year then we could find something for you in one of the ministries"

"I'm sorry " Kamsi said.

" You have said that before " he said. He stretched out his legs and relaxed more in the seat then he smiled at her. His first smile since they started talking about her job.

" So what about opening a gallery, have you thought of it? " he asked.

She shook her head up and down then left and right then she laughed at the way Joseph's eye followed her every movement in amusement.

" When I start working , I'll buy materials and I can paint on weekends or after work " she said, now looking at him.

He was pleased. It showed in the way he nodded with a broad smile.

" Your boss at work said, you just have to come with employment letter next monday. Your position is still vacant"

Kamsi's fingers nervously went up and she started to chew her nails.

" I no more have it" she said.

He laughed, " Who is with it,  Did your husband take it? "

She shook her head without even knowing what the movement meant at that moment. She wanted to cry. She remembered that day he tore her letter. It was still a very fresh memory. Taking it would have been better, she could have stolen it back.

"Kamsi.. "

She did not know what it was but her name being called opened the pipe of tears. She cried silently, sniffed not so silently. She dabbed her eyes trying to regain composure. It was not her plan, she did not plan to cry in Joseph's house or infront of him.

He did not move to console her. He just tapped his feet on the ground while looking at her. He was angry. His suspicions had been confirmed even without the woman saying a word.

Michelle, who had been in the kitchen came into the parlor and walks straight to where Kamsi was sitting. She sat on the arm of the chair and held Kamsi's head down on her lap.

""It's okay " she whispered, "it's okay "

In that moment, her tears increased . She shook involuntarily like a convulsion as she struggled to keep in the tears.

"I'm fine " she muttered to herself.

"I'm fine " she said again, raising her head from Michelle's lap.

She used the little face towel in her hand to dab her face. With a new found courage, she said,

"Dede please, I really need this job"

Michelle rubbed her back soothingly then stood and left the sitting room.

" I came to you, I told you to let me know if you need anything. I understand you want to keep your life private. I truly understand that " Joseph said.

He paused. He tilted his head like he was accessing his words.

"I will not interfere in your marital problems because Mark does not do same "

Kamsi's heart split into two. That meant he was not even going to advocate for her if she asked.

" I will make some calls on your behalf. That's the much I can do "

He brought up his hands to his face and breathed into it then he wiped his open palms on his face.  He looked at Kamsi , her red eyes were more pronounced in her dark face. The way she looked at him in silence made him feel like he was doing something wrong.

" My younger brother is a very complex person. I will talk to him also but I'm not promising any change in that aspect "

" I appreciate " she said with a little smile.

There was a shelf close to the cabinet with glass doors where assorted drinks were arranged. Joseph walked to the shelf and brought a stack of complimentary cards.

" when you want to resume, just give this card to whoever is in charge" he said handing her one of the cards.

She put the card in her brown bag.

"Dede, God bless you " she said

"Bless you too dear" he replied.

In the awkwardness of the silence that followed afterwards, Kamsi was grateful that the baby woke up.

"I'll take him up" she said before Joseph could say anything.

He just watched her leave with the baby. The picture of her crying had not yet left his head. Even though it was not supposed to be so, she felt like his responsibility.

Leisurely, he walked to the bar and poured himself a drink. As he downed it, he imagined what his conversation with his brother would be like. It might not be smooth but he was the elder brother after all. He knew It could end up in his favor.

Happy new year guys! 

If you are reading this book , you are one of the people that made my 2019 litty litty !!

So tell me, do you think Joseph is doing something wrong ?

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