Chapter Thirty five

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December came with no excitement for Kamsi. She did not know the days or dates any longer and that did not bother her.

Her life seemed to be paused. She was stuck without a plan for a way forward or what next. The emptiness of the house during work days was not favoring her and Maka came, a constant reminder of her imperfect life.

She felt a little happiness and also hurt as she sat on the bed and watched Maka try to zip her travelling bag which was stocked with onions Genevieve got her saying it was cheaper in Abuja.

"I'm tempted to leave this onions " Maka spoke.

"Stop forcing the zip, you would soon spoil the bag. You can reduce the onions " Kamsi advised.

"No, I want to carry all of it. It's my own " Maka replied . "Come and help me hold the two sides together while I zip it"

Kamsi walked to where she was and knelt down to help her zip the bag.

"Will you be fine? " Maka asked, pulling the zip once more and this time, it moved freely.

"Yes" Kamsi nodded, settling on the floor and shifting closer to lean on the wall.

" I don't know if I'm giving you support like I should but I am doing my best as a human. If there's anything you need, anything at all, just put a call across to me" Maka said. She reached out and squeezed her friend's hand briefly.

A sad smile crept up Kamsi's face as she looked at her friend in appreciation.

"Maka, you have tried for me. I can't ask for more "

"From now also, anything that happens you let someone know. Don't just shut everyone out "

"Yes ma" Kamsi replied.

"When are you going back? " Maka asked, hoping she would say that she wasn't going back.

"I don't know " She replied with her head bent, her voice almost inaudible .

Maka left at noon that day being the second day in the month of December . It was Saturday and everyone was at home. The driver was supposed to drop her at the airport.

" Take care of yourself " Maka said to Kamsi for the hundredth time. "Do you want to tell me anything? " she asked, waiting expectantly.

"You would soon miss your flight " Kamsi replied.

"Idiot" Maka laughed then pulled her in for a hug.

Kamsi had thought she wanted her to go because she tried pushing her to make decisions that she did not accept. But as she watched the car leave through the gate and she waved at the retreating back of the car until the gate was closed, did she realize that she really wanted her to stay longer.

She had even forgotten that her family were around her until Reverend Nwachukwu said,

"Onyi lock the protector "

Her stepmother had gone inside including Chisomaga. Onyedikachi locked the protector while she also went into the house.

That night while she struggled to sleep and when she thought others were sleeping because of how silent the whole house had fallen, it was that time someone came knocking on her door.

Lazily she turned and stared in the direction the door was in the darkness waiting for the person to summarize she was sleeping and walk away or simply come in.

"Are you sleeping " The door opened. It was Genevieve's voice.

"I came with Daddy, should I turn on the light? " she asked again still at the door. The light from corridor seeped in from the little opening of the door.

"Okay" Kamsi replied and moved farther to the wall so she could make space for them to sit.

The light came on, its brightness forcing Kamsi to shut her eyes for a while while her parents walked into the room after shutting the door. She opened her eyes to adjust to the light.

They had made themselves comfortable sitting on the edge of her bed. Genevieve smiled at her. "How are you? " she asked.

Kamsi nodded staring at both of them warily.

"We want to talk to you " Genevieve said.

" I already know that . It's about my marriage." Kamsi replied "Let's do it tomorrow please. I really need to rest"

"Kamsi, we won't take your time " Reverend Nwachukwu spoke this time.

Her silence was like an approval so he continued, "Your husband is coming tomorrow. I know things have not been going well between the two of you but he's still your husband "

Genevieve nodded in agreement and Kamsi even though disturbed at the news of Mark coming the next day, she stared at the wall as though bored.

" I know that your mother has advised you. Like I said, I'm not here to waste your time so I won't go down a long thread of advicing you again. But we're christains, while others stand to fight, we kneel to fight" He said then looked at Kamsi until she looked at him.

"I want to pray for you, Kamsi. I want to hand your marriage over to God"

"If that's okay with you " Genevieve added.

Kamsi nodded, then sat up. "It's very welcome. I appreciate "

" We are going to pray desperately and Kamsi, you know where it ails you. You should be able to ask God for his intervention in your marriage " Reverend Nwachukwu said.

Kamsi stared at him without giving a reply. She noticed the small bible he had come with for the first time. She prepared her mind for the prayers knowing that she has never prayed like she should.

Words of prayer filled her mouth because her needs were just there glaring at her but still she wondered how each problem she had would be solved divinely. As she came down from the bed and joined her parents to kneel on the floor, holding hands with them, she still had doubts. She still questioned how fast miracles take to happen.

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