-Thirty Two -

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It was Sunday. Maybe the sun refused to rise or Kamsi woke too early. She had sat down on her bed from when she woke up for about three hours. She stared out to the darkness of the surrounding through a slide window in her room. She could see nothing but the headlights of the car which refused to be hidden in the darkness of the morning.

She sucked in breath each time a tear strolled down her eye. Her heart was heavy, her mind in shambles. Her whole being screamed in so much hurt and pain. Yet, she tried to be strong by folding her arms beneath her breast and hugging her body like it would save her from falling apart.

..because hurt knows how to replay memories, she was left to remembering everything that caused her pain in her marriage, how the person who was supposed to be her heaven became something far from that. She would be a liar to say, he changed. She knew he had always been that controlling man. She had only thought with time and growth in their union, he would start to respect her and support her decisions. She was disappointed that all he did was worsen, believing that respect was just for the man in the marriage and only the man as the head of the family should have a say at all times.

Those times he shut down her opinions had hurt her but not as much as his cheating had. His suspicions also had broke her heart and each time she consoled herself in the thoughts, that she was enduring for the sake of her unborn child. She knew she had to be strong, stronger than before.

While she sat on her bed by that window with tears freely flowing down her face and her eyes staring outside but seeing nothing, she did not even realize when the day began to brighten. She still sat lost in her own thoughts. A time like this, she began to see reason with what her step mother said when she was about getting married.

"I know young love is sweet " Genevieve had said, " still, I will say, you are still too young, inexperienced and I dare say, naive even . You just got out of school. You should let yourself develop. Take your time to build yourself first. What is yours would wait"

Fresh set of tears brewed in Kamsi's eyes because indeed she had been too young to listen to her step mother's words. She had hopped on the fast train and that train ran out of gas before reaching the station.

Her attention was brought back to earth by a knock on the door. She slowly turned towards the door, breathed in before letting out,

"Come in"

In came strolling Chisomaga in a polo and boxers.

"Sister, good morning " he greeted, sitting on the bed.

"Chisom, how was your night ?"

"It was too short o. We had to wake up early to start cooking stew this morning "

Kamsi laughed, "I didn't even realize you guys were awake "

" We have been awake. It's all Onyedikachi's fault. He was supposed to prepare the stew last night"

Kamsi laughed again, "You look so pained. Sorry "

"I'm pained" he said, then he looked at the wardrobe which stood close to the toilet door, the bare cupboard with a mirror which was at one end of the room.

"Sister, you have not unpacked " he stated, his eyes doing more investigation. "I can help you out after church "

With a small smile, Kamsi reached out and rubbed his arm and he smiled back adorably looking like the baby of the house he truly was.

"I came to pick your clothe so I can help you iron" he said after a little silence.

"I am not going. I'm not feeling so strong "

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