Fifty One

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The sudden ilumination irritated Mark and he made to walk out but Kelechi held his arm. He paused at the door and waited for her to speak.

"This thing we're doing " she began drawing a finger down the line of his back through his polo.  "Is it called Sugar daddy relationship "

He slapped his head in frustration then took the paper she was waving infront of him. It could have been inbetween her breasts or in her hair. He didn't care. He didn't want to know. He just wanted to be alone.

It was an invoice of her school fees and the amount for payment of her apartment.

"Four hundred and fifty thousand? " he whispered yelled.

She nodded batting her eye lashes at him. Without a word he walked out leaving her in the kitchen knowing that was what her game was.. To milk him dry. He was falling, he had fallen, all hands and toes.

In the days that followed Mark was careful, more attentive so that he does not miss out a clue on when his wife finally planned to leave. He did not know what he would do but with a certainty he knew , he could not let her leave. He could not bear the shame, he could not even bear the thought.

He started going to work late after she must have left for her own work and he still returned early. He was being careless in that aspect. He received a query once because he was hardly on seat.

Staying at home did not favor him. Kelechi was always at home and always came to him raising her dress to reveal her thin legs as an attempt at seduction. He knew better than falling. He had given her half of the money she asked for. He Did not want to complete it so he does not seem like a total fool since he had made himself a fool.

It was Thursday. He was burdened with so much work from office and thoughts of Kamsi leaving. Even the thoughts that he could have misplaced the documents for the annex of the company which he was incharge of, burdened him infinitely.

He knew where he had kept it. He put it in a suitcase which he threw inside the wardrobe for a long time. He did not ever bother
to check it on. The absence of those documents and all the files in that suitcase made his head to spin.

Unrelentlessly, he continued to search for those files even in the place he could not remember keeping them. He searched for them in his disorganized study room and ended up scattering  the place more.

He was unable to come up with an explanation for the missing documents so he returned to his room and lay on the bed facing the ceiling. He needed those files for work the next day. He needed them for his company to win the case the very people who sold the land to them had filed against them.

The door opened and he turned his face to it. In came strolling Kelechi wearing a blue net pant and yellow bra. He turned his face away, thinking of Kamsi. She hated bright undies; white was the only exception.

" When will you complete the money you promised me? " Kelechi asked.

"I'll give you the money. I just want to be alone now" He replied without looking at her.

"You are always moody" She said, climbing on top of him. "I know how to make you feel good "

His head was still turned away and his hands underneath his head. "Get off me. My wife sleeps in this room "

She laughed, "Doesn't she sleep in this house? "

He said nothing and she bent to his face, nibbling his ears and licking  while playing with his beard.

"Nne, get off me na. What is this? " He said not hiding his irritation .

The sound of a knock came from downstairs . He pushed her off and sat up. She quickly stradled him again.

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