Chapter Ten

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There was something about the way the drops of rain ran down the glass. They hit firstly as a drop then a drop became a thin line traveling down the glass . Kamsi watched the glass with newly found interest like it was the first time she was seeing a rain drop slide down the glass. She idly pulled at the furs at the wrist of her long sleeved sweater.

While she watched the glass, she could not see beyond and at that time, she felt the need to paint. The need came with an uneasy shiver and she hugged herself tighter.

Her attention was brought back by the sound of a box being rolled down the stairs. She hurried out of the room to see Ella trying to drag her box down the stairs.

"Ella! " she screamed.

"I can carry it," she quickly defended.

"Just stop there! " Kamsi shouted.

She got back in the room and picked her brown sling bag then hurried into the room Ella had been staying. She looked around for anything that they could be forgetting. Close to the wardrobe was the little teddy bear bag the girl loved to carry - She picked it up. Downstairs, she packed in her plastic building blocks into her box not leaving out her favorite plate that she had come with.

"I don't want to go," Ella said, as she followed her around.

Kamsi knelt to her level. "You have to go to school."

She nodded, like she understood.

After making sure everything Ella came with was packed, she sat with on the cushion with Ella on her lap as they waited for the rain to stop.

"I'm sorry, we are going to take a public transport in this cold," She whispered.

" Okay," Ella replied.

The rain later stopped close to evening. Kamsi led Ella out of the house with her little box.

"Madam, make I help you " Timothy said on seeing her with the box as they came out.

"No, it's not heavy," she politely declined.

There was no bike along the street .  They had to get to the junction  between her street and the major road. It was there she got a bike. The box was placed infront of the bike man while Ella was sandwiched inbetween her Godmother and the bike man. Kamsi's arm encircled the little girl more of hugging her than keeping her in place. It was selfish of her to wish the little girl did not have to go back but she still wished.

The bike bounced up and down on the bad road that led to Michelle's house and they bounced with it. Ella laughed like she was being tickled each time they bounced. Kamsi knew she was the one that took her on her first bike ride. She had searched for the car keys to the Camry but could not even find any of the car keys. She did not ask her husband. He was always reluctant in letting her ride his cars and most of the times, he refused her request.

"It's here " she said to the bike man.

She carried Ella down after she came down. She paid the bike man with a rumpled hundred naira note which was among the balance she returned home with the last time she went to market.

Joseph's project the previous year had being getting a land and erecting a house for his family. The House turned out to be Mansion on finishing . The only reason Kamsi was envious was that, Mark did not seem to have pressing projects or plans for investment.

The gateman most of the times sat outside their huge black gate where he would entertain his eyes. He was there at the time Kamsi arrived with Ella. He rushed and helped her to carry the box.

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