Chapter Fourty One

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There was a Christmas tree at the Second gate. It was placed on a high concrete stand and was high enough to be seen even from the outside of the compound.

Kamsi and Mark travelled to the village on the same day that was the Christmas day. Mark did not make movements like they were going to embark on the trip but Kamsi knew they never celebrated any of the end of the year festivals outside home. She was ready, she packed a box before that day and waited.

It was the night before Christmas when she thought that they would celebrate the Christmas in Okigwe that Mark shifted closer to her in bed. He lay behind her for a while like he was running the words he wanted to utter over again in his head. He then placed a hand lightly on her potruding belly and beought his lips close to her ears.

"Are you sleeping? " He asked.

Kamsi placed a hand over his in reply and he sighed.

"We'll travel to the village tomorrow" He said and waited for her response but she said nothing.

"Baby? "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? " She asked without turning to look at him, "You are going alone "

"I'm sorry. I had to put somethings in place first. Even for me, it's not planned.  I just feel that since we can make it tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with the family, we should " He said, all hurriedly like a rehearsed speech, he did not want to forget any word.

"We don't have to go early " He continued, "We can leave in the evening or at noon so you would have time to pack "

He rubbed a hand on her arm to gain a response and she replied, "I have heard you "

"Thank you. I love you " He replied,  hugging her closer to himself  to sniff her newly relaxed hair which still smelled of relaxer, conditioner,  a little scent of coconut and a little scent of  shea butter.

Kamsi was familiar with her husband's village house. She knew who owned each duplex in the compound. Her first Christmas there, Mark had taken her round  the large  compound, pointing to each building and telling her who owned which. She nodded all through the tour, noting the names. Most of the owners of the buildings were not in the country but the lawn outside their houses were still trimmed perfectly.

She  was familiar also with the tradition of going to each of their houses at night to greet them. The only people she greeted when she arrived  was  Mark's parents. They were sitted in the living room when they arrived in the evening.
She knew Michelle and Joseph were around, their  Jeep  was parked outside. She did not go to their room to look for them even though it was in the same house.

Mama climbed up the stairs with her after Mark who was carrying their boxes up to their own  room.  She settled on the bed looking around while Kamsi unzipped her box to arrange her clothes on hangers.

"I had them change the curtains for you.  Hope you like it? " She asked.

Kamsi looked around the room with a smile, the curtain was changed to a lemon curtain and still effortlessly fit in the white painted room. She could not remember the last curtain that had been in the room but this one was beautiful and could have been better than the former. 

"I like it " She nodded, happily looking at Mama who seemed pleased with her work .

Mark came out from the restroom. His white vest had splashes of water on it like he did not dry the hairs beneath properly.

"Hope this one is treating you properly? " Mama asked, eyeing Mark. He laughed and walked to his box.

"He is, Ma " Kamsi replied after a short laugh.

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