Chapter 1

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A/N: Disclaimer! I don't own ANY of the characters other than a few OC's. All rights to them go to JK Rowling and Uncle Rick. All I own is the plot. I tried my best to keep this from being too cliche, wanting to make something original. Also, The Trials of Apollo won't take place in this, yet Leo is still alive and here. I hope you enjoy!

This chapter was revised and edited by @Lady_Rhey

Chapter 1

It was a couple months after the Giant War, Percy and Annabeth, still being shaken up from previous events, decided to wait to finish high school and stay at Camp Half Blood for some time. It was mid November and should have been cold, yet camp was warm and sunny thanks to the Golden Fleece. So far nothing major had happened since the war, other than lots of new demigods and a few monsters here and there. Dionysius had come back to camp and Percy didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand it meant the Gods were actually doing things, but on the other... it's Mr. D.

Jason and Piper had been going between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, working on building cabins for the other gods, as well as shrines and working on the mini figure he promised Kymlopeia, the most recent of which was rebuilding part of the climbing wall that broke.

Frank had to return to Camp Jupiter for his praetor duties, choosing to drag Hazel who was more than happy to go with him, while also helping Ella and Tyson with recreating the Sibylline Books.

The Hunters of Artemis had arrived the previous night. Having lost so many in the previous wars, their hope was to fill their ranks with new recruits.

Without a proper screening process for talent, however, they were forced to adapt a usual pass time to their advantage; the now not so friendly game of capture the flag. Hunters vs Campers. Annabeth and Clarrise talked strategy with the campers, Percy was going to be positioned by the creek to capitalize in his natural water affinity, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Zeus (Jupiter,) and some of the other cabins would be offense, leaving the rest of the cabins on defense. Positioning their flag in a clearing, a little ways from the myrmekes lair, instead of on the top large formation known as Zeus' Fist, but after the battle of the Labyrinth, no one really goes near it, because of the memories and losses it brings back. Looking over the teams, their flags and minions stationed in places that best suited their strengths, it was easy to think the hunters were at a disadvantage. Falling victim to that way of thinking could only get one killed, however, everyone knew that the hunters should never be underestimated.

This was gonna be fun.

Standing by the creek with Riptide in hand Percy waited for someone to find him. Because of the unnatural silence, he was starting to think that they were avoiding this section of the forest until an arrow whizzed by his ear, missing his head by less than a centimeter, a clear sign that the archer was someone he knew; any normal hunter wouldn't have hesitated taking a shot like that otherwise.

"How're you doing Thals?" Percy yelled towards the area the arrow came from, causing another to thunk into the earth right between his legs. "Aw, c'mon! Don't be like that! Show yourself Thals!"

That was when Percy heard a rustling to his right, labeling Thalia as just a distraction. Cursing his confidence, Percy ran towards the sound where he found a Hunter he didn't recognize running towards the flag. Sprinting to catch up, Percy easily overtook the Huntress, jumping on her from behind which caused the two to fall in a tumble of limbs on the ground.

After a knee to the kidney and a thumb in his eye, Percy loses enough of a grip that the Huntress is able to unsheathe her knife. Shifting enough to be able to put some distance between him and her so he can assess her movements, the two become locked in a battle for dominance.

That's when Thalia makes her move, going around the two in an attempt to take the flag from the Huntress keeping Percy at bay.

"You are gonna have to try harder to get a fast one by me Thal!" Percy yells before summoning water from the creek to douse the girl; effectively throwing her off her guard enough that he can slam the flat of Riptide against her head; effectively knocking her unconscious.

Without hesitation Percy looks at Thalia and breaks out into a dead run as he gathers more water from the creek to propel himself towards her; an action that lands him next to the defensive archer before engaging her in a similar way.

With Riptide pitted against her hunting knife and her shield Aegis they are an even match; stone hard will with a maelstrom of lightning and water.

While the fight was just getting good there was an ear piercing scream coming from near Zeus' Fist. Percy looked up to see three kids, about a year or two younger than him, on the ground by the rock. Two boys, one of which looked a lot like him, just scrawnier, instead of having sea green eyes had emerald green, and large circular glasses, he also has the same unruly raven hair. The other boy had bright orange hair, lots of freckles and light blue eyes. The third kid was a girl with lots of frizzy brown hair to rival Hazel's, and brown eyes. The three of them all wore practically the same outfit, consisting of a long black robe, grey sweater, and red and golden striped tie, the only difference in their outfits was that the boys had on black trousers and the girl had a black skirt, high socks and her sleeve was rolled up. Another scream comes from her, and Percy saw what she was screaming about; her forearm was missing a chunk from it, bone slightly exposed, sure it wasn't the worst injury he had seen, but it sure wasn't pretty.

Everyone in the area stops fighting and looks over at them. Percy capped Riptide and ran over to them. He picked up the girl and yelled behind himself while he ran towards the Big House, "Someone get Will!" And he started running faster, the two boys who were with her running behind him.

[On the same day around the same time in a different universe...]

(A/N: This part takes place in the 6th book, when they were learning aparation, for this, the wards preventing aparation in and out of Hogwarts were removed periodically)

"Harry!" Ron yelled with the look of a five year old who has uncovered his sisters secret stash of Quidditch player cards, "I made it all the way to the other side of the room without getting splinched!" The smile on his face quickly fading as his hand goes to his mouth; his face turning to a sickly yellow-green shade. "Except now I think I'm gonna puke."

Aparating behind him, as much to get out of the line of fire as it was to test his own success, Harry clapped the sickly redhead on the back making him lurch forward; something that only elicited a groan as the already precariously repressed contents of his stomach roil.

"Good job Ron!" Harry's exaggerated excitement earned him a hard glare from the corner of the red heads eye. "Maybe all you need is a little help." Not being able to resist, Harry grabbed his friend's arm before initiating the aparation spell which took hold with a twist and a pop before placing the pair next to a startled Hermione.

Flinching as she turned to glare at Harry, Hermione snapped, "Harry! You don't even have a permit yet! You can not apparate someone else with you! Do you understand how dangerous that is?! Honestly Harry, you are being so reckless!"

"Only you would think it's reckless Mione. We are  just embodying the Gryffindor sense of daring, courage, and determination!" Ron, attempting to save face says with a strained expression as he tries to right himself. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? He is clearly a natural at this, just like he was at flying! He isn't going to hurt anyone,"

Hermione gave one final glare to Harry and Ron, before sighing and returning to her own attempts to aparate.

With a mischievous look in his eye, Harry turns to Ron and the two share a look that causes Ron to roll his eyes and grip his stomach as Harry grabs first his and then Hermione's wrist before aparating with a loud crack.

Harry had only meant to bring them to the dungeons, but the next thing he knew they were by a rock in the middle of some forest, while a bunch of people were fighting around them with... swords and bows?!

Harry heard a blood curdling scream from next to him and looked over to see Hermione, missing a piece of her forearm.

Word Count: 1,537

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