Chapter 2

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This Chapter was Edited and Revised by @Lady_Rhey

Chapter 2

[Back in the present...]

With the girl cradled against Percy's chest, her breathing pained and shallow as her sticky life essence dripped down his clothes, he lays her carefully down on the couch."Who are you two?" His confusion glaringly apparent in both the questioning tone and the look of disbelief on his face.

"I'm Harry Potter," the boy with raven hair replied, pausing as his eyes traveled between the injured girl and Percy as though this should spawn some realization for anyone he had no knowledge of. Not able to give even that small security, Percy just nodded with eyes that implored the boy to continue, which he did. "And this is Ron," the boy named Harry then motions a hand towards the red head next to him who looks as though he is about to be violently ill.

"And her?" Percy asks, shifting his eyes from the boys to the girl who seemed to be missing a piece of her arm; the tears in her eyes belying the pain she clearly feels as she lets out the occasional scream. "What happened to her?"

"This is Hermione Granger, will you please help her? I didn't mean for this to happen... I was just getting cocky..." he mutters the last part under his breath.

Percy was about to ask what monster got to them when Will came running in with his medic bag. Clearing the threshold of the door in a flash he runs over to the couch and starts cleaning her wound.

"It will be okay, I'll be able to fix it," he mutters, trying to reassure her with the softness of his voice and the gentleness of his touch as his fingers slide softly across the damaged and angry flesh. Unconsciously reaching into his bag, he lifts out a vial of nectar. Which he intended to apply directly as he would for any fallen comrade. The sudden question in her pained eyes made him think twice; his foolishness setting his face in a disapproving line.

"Is she a half-blood?" he asks the two boys, who were watching what was happening with a surprised look on their faces.

The red head... Ron, if he remembered correctly, seemed to register what he said first, as an insolent look plastered on his face before glaring at no one in particular.

"No she isn't, she's only a Muggleborn. Have you got a problem with that?" Ron asks defensively.

"Muggleborn? What does that mean? Can she have Nectar or not?" Will's impatience begins to grow as the intensity of pain the young girl is forced to withstand escalates; the look of unrelenting pain riddled in the tightness of her forehead and taught lips as her white knuckled hand grips the cushion as if her life depended on it.

"What the bloody hell is nectar?!" Ron yells back which causes Percy to flinch at his choice of words, "...and how do you not know what a Muggleborn is?" When the room remains quiet, blank stares riddling their faces, Ron rolls his eyes and elaborates. "You know, a wizard born to a non-magical person, or a muggle?"

What does he mean? A wizard? Percy looks confused as he tries to piece the scenario together in his head. Does that mean they aren't from this world? Glancing over the three again, Percy takes in their features and their manner of speech and realizes they have British accents. Before he can ask any questions though, Will sighs and starts putting some mortal medicine on her wounds to be safe while Chiron, Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Calypso and Leo all come rushing into the Big House.

"McShizzle is also here to help! Will, do you think fire will help you in any way, shape or form?" Leo asks while Nico goes to sit by Will, causing Piper and Jason to look on in awe.

Chiron, in wheelchair form, starts rolling over towards the two boys. "What happened to her?" He asks them, looking concerned.

"Who the bloody hell are you people?!" Ron yells again causing Percy, along with Nico and Annabeth to flinch.

Chiron looks startled but quickly regains his composure before responding in a strong voice. "I am the activities director at this camp, my name is Chiron. I ask you again, what happened to her?"

Harry has a guilty look plastered on his face, and is in an intense combination of remorse and mental breakdown. "I-I was apparating us. I only wanted to go to the other room! But then we ended up here... and Hermione got splinched. If only it was me or Ron that got hurt! She would know what to do!" He replied.

Percy and the others exchange a look that expresses their confusion over what the heck apparating was. Looking to Annabeth, expecting her to understand what was going on, she too just shrugs which causes Percy and Leo to exchange a wide-eyed look. If even she doesn't know what is going on...

Hermione catches her breath before yelling at Harry and Ron, "Guys! In my bag!" She yells out before screaming from pain again.

Harry grabs her bag and starts rummaging through it. After a few seconds, he pulls out some odd things that definitely shouldn't have fit into the small bag, but the demigods have learned better than to question most things. One is a small vile that Harry tries to put some of the liquid inside on her arm when Will speaks.

"May I put it on her arm? I'm one of the medics here, if you don't mind..." Harry and Ron look at each other before shrugging and handing him the vile

"Just don't hurt her." Ron says with some malice to his voice.

Will carefully moves Hermione's arm so that the wound is facing out and puts some drops on her arm. Almost instantly Hermione screams louder than she had before; tears streaming freely down her face, but her flesh starts growing back.

She screams for what felt like hours, but is in reality only a minute, before her arm is almost completely healed, except for a patch of raw skin where the wound was. When the healing finishes and she has caught her breath, she wipes her eyes and Ron gives her a big hug. She looks startled but returns the affection before Ron backs up, red as his hair and coughing slightly while Harry just smirks at the two of them before giving her a hug.

The three of them then start looking around the room, taking in everything with reserved awe. Ron and Harry are mainly looking at the room itself, but Hermione is looking at Percy and the other half-bloods.

Harry's eyes land on Seymour, the 'taxidermied' leopard head hanging on the wall that's eating a sausage. When his eyes grow nearly as large as his glasses Ron spots him and follows his gaze. While they both stare, Hermione's attention veers towards the weapons strapped to the half-bloods waists.

"Where the bloody hell are we?" Ron asks in both childish awe and veiled skepticism.

Will they please stop with that choice of wording?!

Sorry that this chapter is so short!

Word Count: 1,217

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