Chapter 3

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This chapter was revised and edited by @Lady_Rhey

Chapter 3

Annabeth had no clue what was happening. One minute she was running over the border with the Huntress' flag. The next minute she was being herded over to the Big House by Thalia.

Calypso, Leo, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Nico and Annabeth all arrived in the living room to see two boys and a girl who they didn't know. The girl was missing a piece of her forearm, and was being treated by Will. The two unknown boys were freaking out, while Percy was just standing there kind of awkwardly.

"Guys! In my bag!" The girl was able to get out before screaming in pain. One of the boys grabs a bag from by her and starts rummaging through it. He had raven hair, a lot like Percy's AKA, a mess, and bright emerald eyes. He also had on a pair of round glasses and an odd scar on his forehead. As she watched he pulled out a small vial.

"May I put it on her arm? I'm one of the medics here, if you don't mind..." Will asked him kind of sheepishly.

The two boys exchanged a look before shrugging and handing him the vile. "Just don't hurt her," the red head said.

Will nodded and positioned the girl's arm, placing a few drops that caused her to start screaming louder. Tears were pouring down her face and the red head boy tried to mutter words of comfort to her as her flesh started growing back almost immediately until all that was left was some raw skin.

With the ghastly wound healed, the red head jumped on the girl and gave her a big hug. She looked surprised but returned the affection before he pulled away, as red as a tomato. Annabeth and Piper exchanged a smirk and went back to watching the encounter. The raven haired boy also gave her a hug, but with less 'emotion' than the other boy did.

Once the three of them regained their senses they started looking around the room. The two boys were looking at the room itself, but the girl was watching the demigods. She spotted their weapons and looked startled. Then the boys spotted Seymour and let out a small yelp.

"Where the bloody hell are we?!" Ron yelled, causing Percy, Nico and Annabth to flinch at his choice of words.

Chiron looked at the three of them inquisitively, "Before we continue, will you tell us who you are?"

The girl gets startled out of her trance, "Hermione Granger, pleasure to meet you," she put out her hand and Chiron took it, giving her a firm handshake. "The three of us are 16."

"I'm Ron Weasley... why do you all have such weird accents? Are we in America?! I've never been to the America's before..." the red head mumbles while he started going on about how his dad would love to come here before Hermione put a hand over his mouth.

"Ronald Weasley," she corrects.

"I-I'm Harry Potter," the mini Percy says. He flinches, as though he expected a reaction. He got one from Chiron, who's eyes grew to be the size of saucers.

He stared at the boy for a second before regaining his composure. "You're THE Harry Potter?" He asks muttering something about Hecate in Ancient Greek that the demigods didn't quite hear.

Looking at each other like who the fuck is this kid? Are we meant to know who he is? Why does Chiron know who he is? Then other demigods look questioningly at Chiron.

"I'm sorry, who? Are we supposed to know who he is?" Percy asked. He's always been one for subtlety. Annabeth rolls her eyes and walks over to him. He wraps his arm around her and she rests her head on his shoulder.

The three choose to ignore them and answer Chiron, "Yes, he is THE Harry Potter."

Chiron curses in Ancient Greek, causing most of the demigods (minus Nico) to gawk at him. "Did Chiron just cuss?!" Leo stage whispers to Piper.

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