Chapter 9.5

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A/N: Sup. This chapter takes place one week after the previous one. Also, this will have a side story just for the Percabeth feels, my only hereto ship. Also it hasnt been edited so it doesnt fit the timeline, same with the next chapter.

Chapter 9.5


Over the last week we learned quite a bit about the new wizards. First of all, they are terrible at fighting, both with weapons and in hand to hand. Second of all, they can't do archery, well, Hermione was decent, but still. The pegasi seemed to like Hermione and Harry, but weren't to keen on Ron. We haven't even let them try the climbing wall. Hermione was good at the lessons on different types of monsters and how to kill them, according to Harry and Ron she is staying up reading books.

It's been a week since the wizards first arrived, and nothing significant has happened. Although we still haven't learned much about them personally. We haven't told them much about us either. They don't even know about the previous war. Chiron told us that he wanted us to get to know them, but said the most likely way to do that would be to talk about our lives. I'm not sure if me and Annabeth are ready for that, but I guess we can try!

It was Thanksgiving week, and I had someone I needed to talk to.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a screaming Annabeth.


I sat up and pulled her into my arms, "shhhh love, we're out. It's all okay. We're safe and sound at camp." I continued to whisper reassurances to her until she stopped screaming and her breathing slowed. She woke up and looked at me through lidded eyes.

"Percy... it was so real... I'm sorry that I woke you..."

"It's okay Wise Girl, lets try to get some more sleep."

She gave me a small smile as we layer back down. She curled up against my side and fell back into a hopefully dreamless sleep. As I was laying there looking at my Wise Girl, I didn't know how I was going to leave, but in the end it would be good for both of us. My mind was moving at a hundred miles and hour when I managed to fall back to sleep.


Annabeth was training with the Wizards, and I was with Leo and Jason.

"Okay so, you remember the plan?"

"You're mom wanted you to come home for thanksgiving this year, because Estelle is here now and she wants to be more like a family."

It's not a lie. My mom does want me home for thanksgiving, even if we don't usually celebrate it. And I do want to spend more time with my baby sister. It's just been hard to leave camp after everything that happened.

"Good. How am I gonna leave Annabeth? The nightmares aren't getting any better! I don't want to leave, even if it's only for a couple days..."

"Perce, I don't see why you don't just call him, it's easier!" Leo said.

"This is a personal this Repair Boy, I think he'll appreciate me asking him in person."

"I agree with Percy here Leo."

"Okay, Okay! I feel hanged up on. It was just a suggestion!"

The three of us hung out for most of the morning, talking about whatever. But I couldn't hold off the conversation with her any longer.

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