Chapter 10

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A/N: What the fuck guys! 1k reads?! Thank you so much for the support! Also, random question. I'm in a debate in the comment section of a story and do you think Draco is a top, bottom or switch?

Chapter 10


That asshole! He lied right to my face! Did he really think I wouldn't notice? I can read him like an open book. Okay, maybe he wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling me everything. Good thing his fatal flaw is loyalty or else I would've murdered his pretty ass!

Once he left I started what I like to call, operation figure out what the fuck is happening. It's pretty much me just talking to people and trying to worm out what they know about Percy leaving.

Percy was gone for three days. THREE DAYS! I don't want to admit how difficult that was. Sure, I continued to stay in his cabin so that I wouldn't disrupt the rest of the Athena cabin with my nightmares, but even the comforting smell of the ocean didn't help my nightmares. Without Percy there they were so much worse. More vivid. More than just reliving it, but I think my subconscious knew I was upset that Percy lied to me and was making me dream about losing him.

No, I don't mean him cheating on me. I mean me getting forced to watch him die, at the hands of different monsters every time I fall asleep. Much better than him cheating on me, note the sarcasm.

Not only that, but operation figure out what the fuck is happening was a huge flop! Everyone acted like they knew nothing! Which I knew for a fact wasn't true. I got so close to squeezing something out of Leo, but he caught himself. Even Clarisse seemed to be in on it!


After the second day of trying to get information out of people, I gave up, instead I went on with my life. It was super weird not having Percy with me. I never realized it before, but after... the pit, you could almost never find one of us without the other, is that sad?

Never mind....

Finally he was coming back to camp, I'm not gonna tell you how happy I was. But according to Leo the second he left the van I jumped on him.

After he said hi to everyone I dragged him away to Cabin 3, while he laughed behind me.

We sat on the bed together and just looked at each other. I hadn't noticed it before, but he looked very shaken up.

"Seaweed Brain, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine!"

"No you are not! I can tell. You look well... traumatized. What happened?" I asked, all thoughts of being upset with him replaced with concern.

"Nothing you need to worry about Wise Girl, just trust me, okay?"

I glared at him. Forget what I said about my anger being replaced with concern, now both emotions were screaming at me to do something. "Trust you?! After you lied to my face about gods know what! Percy if this is serious you need to tell me! I'm not some delicate little flower! For gods sake! I went to hell with you!" We both flinched at the memory. "Percy, we have both been through so much! You know you can tell me, no matter what it is, or if you don't I swear to the gods I will-" he cut me off by placing him finger to my lips, I was very tempted to bite him.

"Wise Girl, I didn't want to lie to you, but it was for very good reason. I can't tell you yet, but please try to trust me when I tell you that it is good. You will find out, just not quite yet, okay?" He told me, looking at me with his dumb baby seal eyes that make me melt.

"Fine..." I grumbled.

He grinned at me and replaced the finger over my lips with his own. The kiss started out gentle and sweet, yet turned heated quickly. When we broke apart we were both panting for air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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