Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chiron paces around the living area of the Big House, out of his wheelchair in full centaur form, wondering what in the gods' names is happening. Whilst he paces the room goes a blinding white, and with an even brighter flash, a young woman with golden hair and pitch black eyes appears in front of him accompanied by a polecat and black lab.

"Lady Hecate," He says and bows towards the goddess.

"Chiron." She nods at him, signally that he can stand again, "I have much to discuss with you, mainly about your newest guests."

"Of course Lady Hecate. Do you wish to speak here or around the ping pong table," Chiron says, resulting in the goddess cracking a subtle smirk.

"We shall stay here."

"Of course Lady Hecate."

"I am sure you are wondering why the wizards are here. I interfered with the boy's spell, resulting in him and his friends arriving here. I never intended for Ms. Granger to get harmed," it was clear Chiron wished to say something, but he knew to wait until she was finished speaking. "I understand any concerns you may have regarding my choice to do this, but I promise that it is for a good reason."

"I would never question you Lady Hecate, it's just that-"

"I completely understand that you are worried about the past between the two races, as well as Zeus' wrath, however I do not think there is reason to worry. What happened took place thousands of years ago Chiron, most don't know of the events, other than the counselors you just told and a few select people," she interrupts.

"Of course Lady Hecate. But if I may ask, why did you bring them here? What exactly is your reasoning for this?" He questions.

"The Wizarding World is currently facing a large threat. He may not be as bad as Kronos or Gaea, but he is a very powerful dark wizard. I have faith in the wizards, but I believe they need help in order to defeat him. As you know, Harry Potter is a very important person there. There was a prophecy about him and the dark wizard, saying that one would kill the other. Mr. Potter will need help with this, more help than the wizards have to offer him. The wizards rely far too strongly on magic. If they are to defeat him, they must catch him off guard. That is why I brought him and his friends here, so that you can train him in new uses of defense. I will inform the three wizards friends and family that they are in safe hands, but not of the godly world. Although few people there do know of our world."

"Is there anything else I should be informed of My Lady?" Chiron asks the goddess.

"I need you to make sure your campers understand that this is the wizards battle. It is not theirs to fight. All they can do is train them. Also, the wizards are more than welcome to stay in my cabin," she answers.

"My Lady, who is this threat?"

Hecate smiles lightly, "Ask the wizards, they know. Or Hades' son, he's caused quite the problems for his father. I have left the wizards belongings in my cabin, I must be off now. Good day Chiron, always a pleasure," and with that the goddess disappears in the same fashion she arrived, leaving Chiron in mild bewilderment.


Annabeth and Percy are good tour guides. Harry thinks to himself, they are informative, but aren't boring like Hermione can be.

"This is the dining pavilion," Annabeth says, breaking Harry's thoughts, "there is one table designated for each gods' children, and a... I suppose you could call it a 'head table' for Chiron, Mr. D and other important guests. I assume you three will be staying at the Hecate table, Lou Ellen is the head councilor and is very nice, I'm sure her and her siblings will welcome you with open arms." The seating arrangements reminded the wizards of the Great Hall quite a bit.

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