Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Have you guys ever heard of the Greek Gods?" Annabeth asks the three wizards.

"Yes, I know some of the myths. I can also name the 12 olympians as well as a few minor gods, but I don't know too much, just a bit that I've picked up from books. Why?" Hermione replies.

"Do you mean those stories about Zeus and stuff?" Ron asks while Harry nods along with him.

"Zeus and stuff... not sure if dad will appreciate that..." Percy mumbles resulting in Leo snorting.

"Don't think any of our parents will Kelp Head, though I bet Piper's mom will get pissed! Won't she Pipes?" Leo says, causing the majority of the demigods there to laugh (not Annabeth of course), leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione bewildered.

Annabeth somehow manages to get her friends in check before turning back to their guests, "I guess you could say that, but I suggest you use more polite wording in the future, since names have power-"

"Fear of a name just increases fear of the thing itself, so why not just use the names?" Hermione interrupts.

"I never said we were scared, just that names have power. Anyways, we're getting off topic. What would you say if I told you that 'Zeus and stuff' was real?" She asks them.

"I'd say that you were off your rocker!" Ron yells at her. Hermione hits his arm and glares at the redhead.

"Ronald! Don't be so rude!" She looks back at the group of kids. "Are you implying what I think you are implying?"

"The gods are real, yippee skippy!" Some guy in a Hawaiian shirt with a bit of a beer belly walks in doing really sad jazz hands. "Now, which one of you fed laxatives to the pegasi?!" He demands, and glares at two boys, a little older than the wizards. They both had the same messy brown hair and devilish grins that reminded her of Fred and George. It was clear the two were related, but weren't twins.

Thinking about the twins made Hermione wonder what people back home were doing, are they looking for them, have they even noticed that they were gone yet? The girl shakes her head back to reality.

"What?! Are you crazy old man?!" Ron yells at the man in the Hawaiian shirt. As he says that all of the 'older' kids look between him and Ron with a mix between fear and amusement plastered on their faces.

"Don't insult me like that kid! Do you know who I am?! Peter Johnson! Are these new demigods? I sure hope not, bunch of disrespectful little brats..."

Who the heck is Peter Johnson? Hermione wonders.

Unfortunately, no answers to her question are forthcoming as Percy walks up to him. "No Mr. D apparently they are wizards, not half-bloods. And I would appreciate it if you would remember that it's PeRcY jAcKsOn!"

Mr. D's eyebrows rose up his forehead showing minor disbelief before furrowing together in thought, "Wizards?! Here? In camp? Gods, what is Hecate doing!" He proclaims.

"Um- actually I am a half-blood... oh and, no clue who this Hecate lady is, but she didn't bring us here," Harry says to the man apparently known as Mr. D as Percy sighs at him in exasperation.

"Ugh, I don't really care what happens. Do whatever you want with them! Connor and Travis! Clean the stables!" He yells before walking away, muttering about wine and Diet Coke.

"So, you guys are telling us that the Greek Gods exist. What's next, are Norse and Egyptian Gods real too?!" Hermione exclaims.

"Actually..." Percy starts before she cuts him off.

"Save it, I don't want to know. What do the gods have to do with anything?" Hermione asks, turning to Annabeth, who seems to be a leader type figure here.

"Well, this camp is for half-bloods. Also known as demigods," Annabeth tells them.

"But I'm a half-blood, kind of. My mom was a muggleborn and my dad was pureblood, but I've never heard of this stuff," Harry says. Some of the older looking people there like Annabeth and Percy seemed to notice his use of past-tense when talking about his parents and looked concerned.

"I don't know what kind of gibberish that was, but no." Leo says to Harry, causing him to look extremely confused.

At the same time that was happening Hermione was thinking about what Annabeth had said a few paragraphs ago. I know that term! Demigods...demigods... "Isn't a demigod a person with one human parent and one godly parent? Like Hercules or Achilles?" She asks

"You're really close, a demigod doesn't technically have to be the child of a human and a god, just a mortal and a god. Also, according to my friends here," Annabeth says, nodding her head towards Jason and Piper, "Hercules is kind of a douche, and if you're going off of Greek Mythology then it's Heracles."

The wizards stare at the teenagers before them, slack jawed, "So, that means... Merlin's Beard-" Hermione starts, before cutting herself off with her thoughts, This is Camp Half-Blood. They are at this camp- What in Merlin's name is happening. She shakes herself out of her thoughts and looks at the people in front of her with wide eyes, her mind struggling to understand what she's being told.

"All of us are demigods," she says, spreading her arms. "You three are not, why you are here, we don't know, and we don't know how to get you back to wherever you came from easily... well... Nico could shadow travel you, but Will would never let him..." her face lights up with a new idea," a pegasus could take you..." before falling when realizing the flaw in her plan," but that is a long flight..."

"Maybe Festus could, but I don't know if Leo would let him... we might be able to get a favor from Apollo..." this process repeats over and over before Percy walks up to her and places a kiss on her lips, getting her out of her mumbling trance.

"Wise girl, your ADHD is showing."

"Sorry," she mutters while blushing. "Anyway, like I said, we don't know how to get you back. You are welcome to stay here for the time being. I'm sure we can contact your families as well."

"I could appa-"

"No. Harry just- No. You apparating is what got us into this mess. Just... no." Hermione cuts him off. "So you guys are actually telling me that the gods are real."

All the demigods nod.

"And that all of you are children of the gods?"

They nod again.

"And you expect us to believe you?"

At that they just shrug and Hermione sighs.

Unable to fully grasp the derailment of their reality, Harry and Ron stare at the group as a whole, gaping as Hermione looks at them thinking about what to do.

We are stuck in the middle of some camp, with people claiming that gods are real and that they are their descendants. "Prove it." She says.

"Prove what?"

"Prove to me that the gods are real, prove to me everything that you have been saying, prove that you are related to the gods! I won't believe you without solid evidence. You must have powers or something! Show us!" She exclaims, her mind struggling to grapple with what has just been told to her, not unlike the time she got her Hogwarts letter.

Annabeth gives her a look before smirking and whispering to Percy. She catches the words 'I like' and 'she's feisty.'

Some of them smirk at the three wizards while others have a malicious glint to their eyes. "Some of us do have special abilities, let's go over to the training grounds and we will give you your proof."

Word Count: 1,300

The Wizards of Camp Half Blood | Percy Jackson & Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now