Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Lou Ellen leads the three wizards to an odd looking stone building that seems to consist of four separate buildings. There's writing engraved in the stone. She leads them to one of the four doors and shows them in. There are two separate living spaces, lots of bunk beds and a few restrooms. The building gave off an essence of strong magic, flooding the wizards' senses.

"Well! Make yourselves comfortable! Oh yeah, over there are your trunks...and cat...and..owl? Anyway, empty beds are over there, feel welcome to claim whichever one you please. Dinner will be soon, so you may want to wait till afterwards to unpack. Chiron told me to inform you that you three will start training tomorrow, so have fun today while you aren't sore. Until dinner you can just hang out here and look around," Lou Ellen informs the wizards before walking away to a group of her siblings, talking around what appears to be a form of alter.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione yells, rushing over to the orange cat, Ron and Harry following the frizzy haired girl.

"So 'Mione, what are your thoughts on gods and such?" Ron asks.

Hermione's eyes lit up now that she was able to voice her thoughts without fear of being rude to the demigods,"I find it quite bizarre. Honestly, we arrive in the middle of some forest, my arm is splinched," she glares at a sheepish looking Harry, "they are fighting with swords, spears and other weapons all around us. Then they tell us that the Greek Gods are real, and expect us to believe them?!" she whisper yells, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

"Well do you believe them?" Harry questions her.

"I do now, but come on! It just seems so absurd," Hermione exclaims. "We might as well claim beds now."

Ron and Harry decide to share one of the beds, Ron claiming the top bunk and Harry taking the bottom. Hermione picks a bottom bunk, not having to share with anyone else.

Harry didn't voice it, but it's clear how happy he was to see Hedwig, especially after the Killing Cure just barely missed her.

While the wizards were sitting on Harry's bed talking, a loud horn was blown, startling the wizards causing them to fly nearly a foot into the air.

"Alright everyone! Dinner! Get behind me!" Lou Ellen announces to everyone gathered in the cabin. Everyone quickly gets up, the wizards following suit.

She leads them all to the dining pavilion that Percy and Annabeth showed them earlier and brings them to one of the many tables. Everyone sits down as other campers quickly fill up the other tables.

After Ron sits down he takes in his surroundings. I must be having a nightmare, he thinks to himself. He blinks before looking around, when nothing changes he pinches himself. No... no, it can't be, there's no food... THERE'S NO FOOD!

"Where's all of the food?" Ron asks a boy that's sat at the same table as him, just keeping back tears.

The boy looks up at him confused before his eyes widen in realization, "You must be new here! All you have to do is state what you would like and it will appear on your plate! Anything you want!.. of reason."

Whaaaaaaaaaa?! Anything?! Is this heaven? I must be dreaming, if I am, don't wake me up.

"Roasted chicken, my mum's mashed potatoes and green beans, gravy, treacle tart and a glass of pumpkin juice!" Ron exclaims eagerly, eyes lighting up in excitement and disbelief as the food appears out of thin air onto his plate. "It's just like what they had at the Yule Ball in fourth year!"

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