Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After Percy, Annabeth and Grover found Nico, the satyr brought them to the Big House to get comfortable around the ping pong table where Chiron was waiting for the three of them. Grover hadn't told them why Chiron wanted to speak with them, but it seemed urgent enough that Nico was willing to leave Will, even though he really didn't want to, he did the noble thing and sucked it up.

"Thank you for gathering them for me Grover, but I assume you would like to visit Juniper?" Chiron asks, to which Grover nods in response before leaving the four in solitude.

Nico turns to face the centaur, "Why did you call us here Chiron?" he asks.

"I thought I would fill you two," Chiron begins, gesturing to Percy and Annabeth, "in more about what is going on. I also wished to ask you some questions Nico, and decided I will fill you in as well."

"Well, I'm right here. Ask away." Nico replies.

"Lady Hecate came and spoke to me. She informed me that she interfered with Mr. Potter's spell, causing them to appear here. She told me that there is a serious threat in the Wizarding World and that you may be able to fill me in on who he is," Chiron states.

"Do you mean Tom Riddle?" Wait, doesn't he go by something else? Nico thinks before remembering the dumb name, "Sorry, I meant Lord Voldemort," he corrects, over emphasising his 'name.' The other three there look at him as though he just grew a third eyeball, before Percy breaks out in laughter.

"Di-did you just- say moldy- mort?!" Percy is able to get out before breaking into another fit of giggles and doubling over whilst the others look at him in concern.

"Is he okay?" Nico asks, only mildly concerned for his cousin.

Annabeth looks at him with a flat face, "No. Percy has never been okay," she states before turning back to said boy, "Now get up before I sic the Stoll's on you." The second the word 'Stoll's' leaves Annabeth's lips Percy bolts upright and grins sheepishly at his girlfriend before giving her a peck on her cheek, a sight that used to make Nico's stomach churn just made him happy for the couple.

"Nico, please elaborate," Chiron prompts.

Nico starts fidgeting with his ring while answering the question, "Well, my dad was complaining to me about him, said his name was Tom Marvalo Riddle, but he goes by Voldemort. Dad's pissed at him because she broke up his soul 7 or so times and he can't die til' the other parts of his soul are destroyed or something. Don't quite remember everything. Apparently he's an extremely dark wizard, 17-ish years ago there was some big war and he was defeated, but now he's back. I'm pretty sure he just has some huge view on wizard politics or some shit-" Chiron gives him a look, "sorry, but yeah, that's the jist of it."

Chiron looks at Nico in a calculating manner, "Do you know how Harry Potter is put into all of this?" He asks the son of Hades.

Nico gets a look of concentration while he tries to remember things his father had told him in the past, "Not exactly, I believe Tom went after the Potter's family, but Harry's mom sacrificed herself in order to protect him and it caused his spell to backfire and 'kill' him. He came back a few years ago because of his whole 'I can never die' thing. Now he is after Harry because of some prophecy or something.

Percy has on a look of concern while Annabeth and Chiron seem to be thinking, "How exactly did she sacrifice herself in order to protect Harry?" Annabeth asks, "Was it like a 'soul for a soul' type of thing?"

Nico shudders slightly at the memory of the time he tried something regarding a 'soul for a soul' arrangement, all it brings up are bad memories.

"I'm not sure about the details, just that it has something to do with love. My dad complains to me about wizards All. The. Time. They keep escaping the Underworld and living as ghosts. Do you know how much paperwork he gives me for escaped souls?! It's terrible. Sorry, getting off topic. But yeah, that's all I know really."

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