Chapter 24

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Ultimately, we decided to go through the drive-thru. Brianna felt kind of shaky and thought it would be easier to get the donuts without actually entering the Dunkin' Donuts. So, we picked donuts — I, the classic pink-frosted donut and her the simple glazed donut — and we were off.

Except we weren't off. We parked in the parking lot, rebelling against the "No Loitering" sign, and sat there and talked.

"Good donuts." I said, my mouth full.

"Yeah," she said, also chewing.

We sat in the car, observing and judging the rather large individuals entering through the pink doors. We said things like "I bet that guy's been here 12 times this week." and "DAMN!" and various other, admittedly not-so-nice things.

But then, out of the corner of her eye, Brianna identified someone not-so-large. She identified, as she said, "a blond chick with weird-colored hair and tattoos." I looked around but couldn't see anyone. "There!" She said, pointing at the bus station, which sat across the Dunkin' Donuts. I then looked over for a second. Could it be? No, no. She was...But, she...The news said...I couldn't fathom the possibility. Of course, it seems possible. But there Tabetha — or, Ashley — stood, waiting for the bus. "I know her!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" Brianna asked, stuffing the last of the donut in her mouth. "Who is she?"

"That's Ashley." I explained. "I thought she died. Let's go!"

"You're gonna follow her?" Brianna asked, judgmentally.

"Um, no. I'm just gonna say 'Hi.'"

"Okay, but..." And she continued.

Whatever is happening can't be good. Why'd she fake her own death? Why was she still here? Why did she look so different, save the hair? When did she get those new tattoos? Why didn't she text me!

I felt my blood boil in anger. "What the HELL?" I screamed, apparently cutting Brianna off.

"What happened?" Brianna asked, curiously. She was now shaking.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just...she ignored me for, what, like three years or something? She just completely cut me off. After I tried to help her."

"Well, don't do anything crazy." Brianna said, imperatively.

"Okay, I'll just text her."

"Bad idea." She was right.

"You're wrong." I said. "I see her standing right there!"

And, at that moment, the bus arrived. I quickly put the car in drive, backed up, and followed the bus.

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