Chapter 10

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Operator: Hello, 911. What's your emergency?

I found it difficult to breathe.

Me: Uh, yeah. I'm here in the middle of a highway. We just crashed...and, um.

Operator: Hold on. Hold on. Where are you?

Me: Honestly, I can't tell you. Someone was picking me up from the hospital but then she passed out while driving. I tried to take control, but I didn't really know how to drive. Now our car is crashed on the shoulder of a highway.

Operator: And where is this person who picked you up?

I looked over.

Me: Holy crap, she's still passed out. Hold on one second.

Operator: Ok, listen. I'm going to need you to go in the car and take out your driver.

Me: Ok, then what?

Operator: I need you to lie her on the floor and wake her up.

I slapped her. "Hey, Tabetha. Tabetha, get up."

No response.

Operator: What's going on?

Me: She's uh...she's not responding.

Operator: I'm going to need you to take a deep breath—

Me: HOLY SHIT! IS SHE DEAD?! Oh my God! I killed Tabetha. And it was just a few—

Operator: Breathe in. Ok?

She paused.

Operator: Breathe out.

Tabetha is never going to breathe again.

Operator: I need you to feel for your driver's neck. Ok? Put your pointer and middle finger together to try to find a pulse on her neck.

I checked. Nothing.

Me: It's not working. I feel no pulse.

Suddenly, I heard a deep inhale. Her eyes opened. Normal eyes now. Good.

"Oh my God! Where am I? What's happening?"

"Don't worry, Tabetha. Everything's gonna be OK." Holy crap. We're fucked over here. At least Tabetha's alive.

Me: Hello, operator?

Operator: Yes?

Me: Here, you can talk with the driver. She might know where we are.

I handed the phone to Tabetha.

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