21: Epilogue

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As RWBY and JNPR glance out the cockpit windows at the horrifying presence in front of the city of Mantle, Reaper stands in front of Circe. Circe had just filled Reaper in about Clover's death after just being told by Ren about the Relic of Knowledge being lost AND that Oscar is now missing. Reaper silently looks out a hatch window towards the city below. Ruby and Yang look over to him with worried eyes.

Ruby: Reaper?

Suddenly, Reaper punches the hatch, leaving a fist imprint on it. This action startles Ruby, Blake, Penny, and Weiss.

Reaper: Fuck!

He then punches the hatch multiple times, though not as hard as the first time.

Reaper: FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!

Everyone that's not busy flying the ship stands in shock as Reaper rests his forehead against the dented hatch door. He closes his eyes to regain some composure. Circe glances downward before looking at the group.

Reaper: Yang, Blake, why did you HAVE to go behind Ironwood's back, huh? Why did you HAVE to tell Robyn Hill about Amity, let her run, and destroy any remaining trust we had from Ironwood?!

Yang: Reaper, Robyn Hill is on our side. We couldn't go through with arresting someone who was just trying to help! Besides, we didn't expect Ironwood to go nuts like he did!

Circe angrily glares at Yang as Reaper raises his head and turns to face Yang and everyone else.

Circe: So, instead of not arresting Hill, you decided to tell her classified information as well?! All while we had another deception in play?!?!

Reaper: How did you expect Ironwood to react, Yang?! Slap you upside the head and then give you a plate of cookies?!

Ruby: Reaper, they were just trying to do the right thing.

Reaper: Oh, oh, "THE RIGHT THING" huh?! The right thing to do would've been to not have lied to Ironwood about Ozpin and the Relic in the first place, Ruby! Maybe then, if Yang and Blake had still done what they did, it wouldn't have been that bad probably!

Weiss steps forward.

Weiss: Are you saying that this is Ruby's fault!?

Reaper: Yes! and No!

Ruby's eyes widen as she is hurt by his words. Yang begins to develop an angry glare.

Reaper: Because of Ruby and Yang's decisions, a good man is dead and we are all wanted by Atlas! If you all had decided to TRUST Ironwood from the start rather than start off lying, Clover would still be alive! We might have not lost the Relic of Knowledge to Neo, Qrow wouldn't be going to prison, and Oscar wouldn't be missing!

Circe grips her left arm angrily when Clover is mentioned. Reaper then punches the hatch again, causing Maria to call out from the cockpit.

Maria: Stop putting dents in the ship!

Reaper: *ignoring Maria* Just because we're all in this fight against Salem DOESN'T mean we can do whatever we want! There are consequences to our actions that we must ALWAYS consider before making any decision to stop her!

Ren: Reaper's right.

Everyone switches their gazes to Ren as he stands next to Nora.

Ren: It was a mistake to lie in the first place. And considering what ultimately happened, Yang and Blake telling Robyn Hill about Amity was unnecessary in the end. If they had just let her go without mentioning Amity, she would've still been invited to Jacques Schnee's party, Ironwood may have still been forced to work with her to rally Mantle and Amity would've been revealed to everyone anyway.

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