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The sun rises over Atlas Academy while Team RWBY soundly sleeps in their beds.

Penny: Salutations!

Team RWBY are startled awake by Penny shouting her greeting in the middle of their dorm room.

Penny: *sing-song* Good morning, Team RWBY!

Yang: Ugh, Penny. What time is it even?

Penny: Time to be Huntresses, of course!

Penny strikes a pose, holding up two fingers by her head and winking. Weiss, Blake and Yang groan, while Ruby excitedly gets to her feet and suddenly gets in her outfit.

Ruby: Yahoo!

Reaper pokes his head into the room.

Reaper: Time to risk your lives for a paycheck this time!

The mention of the actual reward for risking their lives in this line of work has Yang pump her arm happily and Blake raises her fist in the air.

Yang: Woohoo!

Blake: Banzai!

(*Author gets bayonetted*)

Weiss: At least we're actually getting something out of all this.

Reaper: And you won't be broke anymore, Weiss!

Weiss: shut up


Jaune walks into a briefing room with a coffee mug and heads over to where Team RWBY, the Ace-Ops and his teammates are sitting. He takes a seat and cheerfully prepares to sip his steaming hot coffee, only to notice Marrow staring and wagging his tail. Jaune frowns and hands the mug to Marrow. Jaune sighs.

Jaune: Sure, take it.

Marrow drinks the coffee, while Jaune hangs his head as Pyrrha pats him on the back with a giggle. Clover walks up in front of everyone in the briefing room.

Clover: Eyes up, Huntsmen. Time to get used to the new normal in Atlas. Your top priority is Amity Tower. That means protecting supply runs from Grimm and bandits. And protecting the site itself.

Circe sips a coffee while looking at team RWBY.

Clover: Diverting all construction resources to Amity Tower means there are going to be gaps in Mantle's defenses against Grimm. They'll need help on the perimeter. Ren, Nora, Pyrrha you're on that.

Ren: Understood.

Pyrrha: We'll make sure no Grimm get through us.

Nora: Guard duty? Alright, as long as I'm smashing something.

Clover: But there's still plenty to do in Mantle itself.

Jaune sighs when thinking about his job.

Clover: I think you'll find everyone appreciates having a Huntsman around. You're of course free to enjoy your time off as you see fit. Whatever helps you take the edge off. The Huntsmen around you can be an invaluable resource. If you're willing to pay attention. But make no mistake, school's over. You get to choose what type of Huntsman or Huntress you are. So, what's it gonna be?

Clover looks at all the missions on a screen before looking back at everyone. Reaper crosses his arms before speaking up.

Reaper: And even though you all have your respective missions, keep an eye out for those in trouble and for mysterious figures. And if you can find out who's killing people in Mantle, you'd be doing everyone a big favor.

Clover: Quite right, Reaper. Alright everyone, let's go to work.

~Montage time!~

Sometime later, Ruby, Reaper and Qrow are riding in a truck that is being driven by an Atlesian Knight-200. Qrow has fallen asleep, so Ruby looks annoyed and elbows him awake, making Reaper chuckle.

Reaper of Remnant Volume 3 (A RWBY Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now