6. Cinder and the Associate

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(Hey, we're back with Cinder again!.... before we completely forget about her for several chapters!)

~While RWBY and JNPR were becoming official Huntsmen and Huntresses in Amity~

Neo and Cinder are sitting across a table from Roman Torchwick in the ice cream shop in Mantle. They are silently staring at their milkshakes while Roman casually sips his. He notices that the other two haven't had taken a sip of their shakes yet.

Roman: Something wrong with your shakes?

Neo shakes her head while Cinder looks at him.

Cinder: It's not that, we're just...

Roman: Your still wondering how in world I survived falling from an Atlesian airship to the ground? And also why I didn't tell Neo I survived?

Neo and Cinder nod at him. Roman leans back and finishes sipping his shake. He then takes out a cigar and lights it.

Roman: Well, it's not a grand tale but kind of a straightforward and boring one. I survived the fall because I hit a few Griffons on the way down so that slowed my fall a little. So when I hit the ground, I was only MOSTLY dead. I was found by an old friend of mine who worked at the hospital in Vale and she brought me in under a falsified name. She owed me a favor and I collected on it, even though I wasn't conscious for a year.

Cinder: You were in a coma?

Roman: You got it Cinder. I came to a year ago but I had to go through all kinds of therapy before I was able to leave. I might've also had a little memory problem during the first couple months but that came back to me in the end. When I was finally able to leave, I had no idea how to contact Neo nor did I know where she was and the same can be said for most of my old associates. So I had to go and track down some of the boys and we set up shop here in Atlas dealing with a nice little smuggling operation on Dust. That embargo caused a lot of people to resort to black market dealings so they could get some! Very profitable! Haha!

Neo and Cinder look at each other before looking back at Roman.

Cinder: So how did you know we were coming?

Roman: Malachite told me. When she contacted me about you two, I told her to tell Neo that she had a contact that would help you two out when you got to Atlas. That contact, of course, is me!

Roman smirks as he puffs his cigar. Neo and Cinder finally give their shakes a shot.

Roman: I'm also aware you want little Red dead, is that right?

Cinder: Yes, I was hoping she died in Haven but the Gods seem to favor Ruby for some reason.

Neo looks down and shakes her head. Now that Roman is back, she doesn't have as much reason to want to kill Ruby or Reaper unless Roman wants payback.

Roman: Mm, well you might have a tricky time doing that. Red and her posse are running around under Atlas military protection.

Cinder: They're already here in Atlas??

Roman: Came in just around the same time as you two. They actually were arrested by Ace-ops not long after they arrived but then it seems they started working for good old Ironwood. I even heard a rumor about something going on in an old SDC mine earlier today.

Cinder: Interesting...

??: Interesting indeed.

Cinder and Neo hear a voice with a sophisticated accent from the other side of the shop. The two along with Roman look to see a man with a white mask, a black tophat and trenchcoat at the door to the store with his hands behind his back.

Associate: It makes you wonder what in the world is Ironwood up to.

The Associate walks up to the three's table while Cinder looks at Roman.

Cinder: Who is this?

Roman puffs his cigar and gestures to the Associate.

Roman: This is the Associate, he never gave me his actual name. He has been very helpful in our operation here in Atlas.

Associate: A pleasure to make the acquaintance of the current Fall Maiden.

Cinder's eye widens while Neo looks at her and then at him. Roman chuckles a little before leaning back.

Roman: He's also very informed about Salem and the whole shebang.

Associate: Indeed, old chap. So, Miss Fall, you want to handle a certain red cloaked girl, yes?

Cinder clenches her fists and nods.

Associate: Then allow me to assist you with our common enemy. I'll help you catch Ruby Rose.

Cinder glances at Roman as he puffs his cigar with a raised eyebrow before she looks back at the Associate.

Cinder: And what do you get in return?

Associate: In due time, my dear. But let's just say that among the things I get out of this is that I... have unfinished business with the Winter Maiden and I'd like to conclude it before she unfortunately passes to age.

Cinder narrows her eye at him before standing up and offers her human hand to the Associate.

Cinder: Just get me Ruby, and I'll help you do whatever you want. And I want the Maiden's power if possible.

The Associate grabs her hand and shakes it while chuckling.

Associate: Done. Glad we are in agreement.

The two let go of each other's hand and Cinder looks at Roman and Neo.

Cinder: How about you?

Roman puffs his cigar.

Roman: I find that revenge is bad for business but....

He presses the cigar on an ash tray.

Roman: Someone needs to keep an eye on you so you don't accidentally mess up my operation.

Neo silently smirks at Roman and nods at Cinder. Cinder nods at the two as the Associate chuckles and starts walking back to the entrance.

Associate: Goody! More allies for me! And I was somewhat worried that Watts and Tyrian would be it!

Cinder looks at the Associate as he begins to leave.

Cinder: They're here too?! *Mutters to herself* Wait, why am I surprised?

Associate: Indeed, my dear. I won't tell them about you being here if you want, I'm interested to see how your two sides can handle Ozpin's band. Now, if you will excuse me, Watts needs my help in a plan involving that android you had killed a couple years ago and that Robyn Hill. Toodles.

The man walks out of the ice cream shop while Cinder stands there. Roman and Neo looks at Cinder.

Roman: Just like old times, huh? So, what shall we do now Cinder?

Cinder looks at Roman with her hand on her chin, thinking of something.

End Part!

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