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As the sun begins setting over the mountains around the abandoned Dust mine, four trucks drive up the road to the mine entrance, and Amity Colosseum floats toward the mine. Two people are lying with binoculars somewhere in the area, one of whom is wearing a pin that resembles the one on Robyn Hill's scarf. Behind them is a Neo-Reaper with their arms crossed. They all gaze up at the colosseum, before the one on the right resumes looking through his binoculars.

Soon after the trucks arrive at the mine entrance, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow, Reaper, Circe and the Ace-Ops walk outside. Smiling, Marrow Amin looks at Clover and then attempts to put on a more serious demeanor. Ruby, Jaune and Nora come together to gaze in dramatic admiration of the Ace-Ops, while Ren, Blake, Weiss and Yang watch the three with wide eyes.

Nora: *high pitched* Aaaah!

Jaune rushes over to Clover's side.

Jaune: You guys were incredible!

He switches to being in front of Clover and begins energetically gesturing as he talks.

Jaune: Oh, the way you took down that Geist without needing to plan your tactics out, you just knew exactly what to do!

Clover: Well, Ace-Ops are hand picked to perfectly compliment one another. So we can focus on our assets and leave our liabilities behind.

Marrow walks over with a confident smile.

Marrow: Some of us are all asset, zero liability.

He poses with a salute and a grin, looking at Jaune. Elm scoffs, catching Marrow's attention. He moves over to her, leaning in to confront her.

Marrow: Wha-- Yeah? Think I've got some liabilities, Elm?

Elm: Your brains, for one.

Clover, Elm and Harriet laugh, and Marrow groans and pouts. The former three walk away.

Vine: You did ask.

Vine walks away, and Nora approaches Elm with wide eyes and a smile. Elm looks at her.

Nora: Hi. Do you need a new best friend? Our pair name can be...

Nora's eyes spark with pink electricity, and she lifts her hammer into the air with both hands.


Harriet watches this with a sigh, and Ruby runs over to her.

Ruby: Perfect complementary teamwork. Oh, yeah, I want to have my friends' backs just like that.

Harriet raises an eyebrow.

Harriet: Friends?

Elm: *laughs* This isn't the schoolyard, kid.

Behind Elm, Nora is still posed with her hammer in the air.

Nora: *husky* Thunder Thighs...

Ren walks over, lifts the currently stiff Nora under his arm, and walks away. Ruby's teammates join her.

Yang: But, I mean, when you go through so much with someone, it kind of changes things, doesn't it?

Harriet: We get along well enough, sure. I count on them to keep me alive. They do the same. But that's the job. We don't confuse the two.

She turns and walks away, leaving Team RWBY to look on sadly.

Clover: Speaking of the job...

Further down the way, James Ironwood is talking on a communicator. He gives a brief order to a soldier, who walks away.

Reaper of Remnant Volume 3 (A RWBY Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now