12. The Reaper Assembly

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~Chapter is brought to you by chibi Author barely awake with empty cups of coffee around him as he works on finals and this damn Fanfiction~

Azalea walks through a hallway in a facility underneath Mantle that has the some type of banners with Atlas' emblem at the center of all of them throughout the hall.

Azalea walks through a hallway in a facility underneath Mantle that has the some type of banners with Atlas' emblem at the center of all of them throughout the hall

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(Nordic Cross with Grimm color scheme. I made four other variants of this flag that include the emblems of Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and one involving a phoenix for Prospero)

There are several Neo-Reapers scattered throughout the hall, talking with one another as she passes them. As she approaches a doorway, she sees four guards standing by it. One of them nods at her as she passes them and enters a large chamber with hundreds of seats circling around the chamber and Neo-Reapers mostly sitting on them. There are some women with red eyes and pale white hair and skin with black dresses sitting on some of those seats, Sirens. Azalea also sees four people standing at an end of the chamber, one of them being Councilor Gentian and three other councilors to the Assembly. She also appears to have walked in on a debate between blue-scarf and red-scarf Neo-Reapers with white-scarf Neo-Reapers simply watch alongside regular Neo-Reapers that are not wearing any scarfs.

Red Neo-Reaper: It's very clear that the Reds agreement with the Blues' idea of supporting Robyn Hill was a flawed decision. Her actions are destabilizing this kingdom even more than it already was, causing protests and riots in parts of Mantle. This is all helping to attract the Grimm and is making Atlas' job of protecting Mantle even harder than before the election.

Blue: There's no way we could've known that Robyn Hill would have acted the way she did! But she's still acting with good intentions.

Red: Of course she is, but she's a warrior, not a politician. Typical of those that attend Atlas Academy! So she would've been more prone to a direct and less talkative approach than someone like Jacques Schnee. We should've taken Robyn's background as a huntress and political inexperience into consideration before we agreed to provide donations to her campaign.

One of the Neo-Reapers stands up in the stands and clears her throat to grab the Assembly's attention.

Neo-Reaper: We can all agree that supporting Robyn Hill was a flawed choice now in retrospect. But let's be honest with our mindset back when we agreed to take an active role in Atlas: Robyn Hill seemed to be the candidate that cared most about not just Mantle, but the well-being of the kingdom as a whole on a social level and she still does. That's why we supported her and not a professional politician. We, along with many in Mantle, wanted a Councilor in Atlas that cared for the people and not their career or just Atlas itself.

The Reds and Blues nod at the Neo-Reaper that stood up. One of the Councilors of the Assembly, Shiro, looks over to see Azalea standing at one of the entrances to the chamber. She motions over to Azalea.

Shiro: Azalea, so good of you to finally join us.

Azalea steps over to the center of the chamber between the Red and Blue speakers as she places her hands behind her back.

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