10. Assuming Control

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A large crowd of people have gathered inside a small auditorium for Robyn's victory party. Wires have been taped up along the walls, and there are Robyn Hill campaign posters decorating the walls. Above the stage is a giant hologram screen showing the live election results. Jacques has 36% of the vote, while Robyn has 64%. A pair of camera drones float around the room, one of which has a "Kick Me" sign taped to the back of it and the other of which has a gift ribbon stuck to it. While Reaper, Ruby, Nora and Ren enter the building, the vote percentage shifts to 37% for Jacques and 63% for Robyn. Penny makes her way through the crowd and sees her friends.

Penny: Ruby, Reaper, Nora, Ren!

Ruby: Hey, Penny.

Penny: I am so glad you made it. It's just Marrow and I tonight, so more friends means more fun. Where are the others?

Nora and Ren are still in a bad mood.

Nora: Weiss is out with the boys and Pyrrha, and Blake and Yang are off doing their own thing... again.

Ren: At least they're back to being friends.

Nora: Friends, huh? Just friends?

Ruby and Reaper take on a somewhat fed up expression and sinks down to the floor, while Ren turns to Nora.

Ren: *speaking slowly in confusion* What else would they be?

Nora: Two people who've gone through that much? I think there's more going on.

Ren: Well maybe one of them feels that way but the other might be worried.

Nora: About what!?

Ruby and Reaper rise back up next to Penny, still fed up.

Ren: It's just, there's a lot of things going on right now.

Nora: Well, how can they figure things out if they don't talk about it?

Penny: *leaning to Ruby* I believe I may be confused. Who are we talking about again?

Ruby: I'm not really sure.

Reaper: It's none of our business.

Nora and Ren continue talking while Penny gets communications from Marrow through her ear piece.

Marrow: *comm* Penny, where'd you go? The Neo-Reaper here is bugging me.

Penny starts to leave, and Ruby clings to her arm in a panic.

Ruby: Please don't leave me.

Ruby, Reaper and Penny go backstage together to meet up with Marrow. There they see Marrow standing in front of a female Neo-Reaper with a pin the shape of a cross.

Marrow: No Azalea, I don't care for dog treats. I find them disgusting actually.

Azalea: Really? I thought Faunus liked the same things the animal they represented. Cats like tuna, for instance.

Marrow: Well, I'm not a cat Faunus.

Azalea then glances at the approaching Reaper, Ruby and Penny.

Azalea: Heads up, Marrow.

Marrow looks over at Reaper, Ruby and Penny.

Marrow: Oh hey, what-- what're you two doing here?

Ruby: Just, uh, hangin' out with a friend while she's on the job.

Ruby casually holds out her fist for a fist bump. Recognizing the gesture, Penny gasps, her eyes wide and shining with excitement. She makes a fist, closes one eye, sticks her tongue out and lines it up. She pulls back her fist and then slams it into Ruby's with a big smile. There's a dull "ding" noise, and Ruby gains an expression of deadpan shock, her hand throbbing with pain. Penny turns to Marrow with an innocent smile, and Ruby cradles her hand, groaning quietly in pain while Reaper silently laughs.

Reaper of Remnant Volume 3 (A RWBY Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now