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Breaking News

"A nineteen-year-old girl survivor was found in El Maximo, Philippines. She survived alone for three hundred seventy three days by staying and consuming the goods that were left in a mini grocery shop. The military was able to track her location because she left a note on the wall before leaving. The message she wrote was 'DAY 371, STILL ALIVE -YANNAH'. Finally, after more than a year, she was now rescued and is currently staying at Louisiana Hospital for a one-month quarantine and treatment. Since she stayed longer in the virus's origin country, scientists said she might have at least adapted, and her blood will be tested for a possible cure. And because of that, the President of the United States ordered the soldiers to search the whole area around Luzon, Philippines to find possible survivors that can help find and develop a cure that will save the future of humanity."


this story was originally written in november 2017


january 22, 2023

-finally, i finished revising the whole story; at least now the plot makes sense, the grammar is better, and there are fewer typos. i hope you enjoyed reading! see you on my other works, mwa mwa!

Yannah | Zombie Apocalypse StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon