Chapter 13 - Individual projects disguised as group projects.

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"Okay, my little prodigies, today we will be starting on a group assignment," Miss Blue announced, well, out of the blue, effectively ruining my good mood. I audibly groaned with the rest of the class.

Group assignment?


That was not going to work for me.

I always ended up being the one doing all the work, because apparently I was the only one who gave a flying about my education. I scratched my eyebrow as a sign of my frustration. Chase chuckled next to me.

"I take it you're not too big on the whole group assignment thing?" he asked and I smiled in his direction. 

"No, no, I am not," I confirmed. 

I eventually managed to regain my equilibrium after the whole dining hall scene by doing some serious breathing exercises and in the end, eating every possible chocolate bar the nearest vending machine had to offer. Miss Blue was not happy that I was late to her class, especially not when I emptied my pockets in the trashcan when I entered. Eh. Bite me. 

Luckily for all, he had yet to honor us with his presence. I just hoped to he decided to skip class today. Unfortunately, the universe rarely considered my hope a priority, because seconds after the thought had left my mind, he marched through the door. My betraying heart started beating faster as soon as I saw those black boots. 

"Yes, Mr. Malik, just find a seat," Miss Blue sighed, not even looking to see who walked into class. Well, to be honest, how could it be anyone else?

My hands subconsciously reached for the Eiffel Tower key chain on my pencil case, fingers fidgeting to keep me distracted. As if. To my great surprise, the chair next to me pulled out. Talk about bipolar. I refused to look in his direction. 






"So, to continue, each group project will consist of a minimum of three students. You will be required to hand in a piece that represents you; a being trying to find its place in this world. It has to be about your past, your future, your present, your experiences, your mistakes, your dreams, your goals. It must be raw and captivating. This will count for half of your final grade so I expect excellent work. 

You will probably be wondering why you are doing it in groups when it's about each individual's journey to self-fulfillment. I want you to incorporate your journeys with each other's. You will get to know the person in your group and learn to accommodate each other's faults and flaws," Miss Blue explained as she walked down the rows and rows of desks. 

My heart immediately sank when the words "past" and "final grade" left her mouth. What was this class again? Therapy101? How in the was I going to make something even remotely presentable? Better yet, how was I going to express my past without exposing myself?


This was just fan-f.cking-tastic.

"Now, just to be fair, I will be the one to divide you into groups," Miss Blue continued. The entire class groaned again, but she shrugged it off.

I had to say, even though she might have just ruined my entire life, I was starting to take a liking to this Miss Blue. At least she saved me from the awkward "I'm the new kid who has no friends, please be my partner" situation.

"After much consideration, I decided to group people together who are complete opposites. This assignment will be challenging so don't leave it for the night before."

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now