Chapter 24 - Congratulations

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"You know, you could be abducting me right now and I wouldn't even know it," I said as I turned the radio down. Chase shot me a look that could've melted an ice cream faster the the sun on a hot day in response. 

Glob I hated this. Why couldn't I be normal?

A normal girl would've gotten butterflies the minute a guy like Chase looked at her like that. A normal girl wouldn't have fallen in love with the leader of the death on weed club. Wait. What? No. I didn't love Zayn. I liked him. A lot. There was a difference between love and like a lot. Let's just go with this: I had fallen in like with him. 

Oh and a normal girl would've told the guy who was going through all this trouble to impress her from the beginning that she just wasn't that into him. But no. I wasn't normal. Why would I be?

"Earth to Violet," Chase ripped me from my internal battle. I returned his smile. 

"I'm sorry, got a lot on my mind. But forget about that. When are we getting there?" I asked with what I hoped sounded like legitimate enthusiasm. 

"We're almost there. Patience is a virtue," he replied with a light tone in his voice. Good, I was convincing. 

I did look forward to where he was taking me though. Curse my curious nature. The car slowed en we took a sharp turn. My eye caught a flash of blue crystal, but it was enough. My eyes widened. That sign could only belong to one place: The White Truffle. This place was the MECCA of the fine dining industry and they knew it. 

"Chase, listen ..." I started, but he raised his finger, effectively cutting me off. I surprised myself when I actually shut up.

"I don't want to hear whatever excuse you are going to make, because I know it's going to be a stupid one. I wanted to bring you here, because I like you and I promise on our second date we can go to Burger King," he said and I couldn't help smiling at his words. 

But then reality set in again. There wasn't going to be a second date. I was probably going to break his heart in the foreseeable future and then he'll never talk to me again. This was all so massively f.cked up.

"Thanks, but..." I said, but he cut me off. Yet again.

"Vi, just shut up and enjoy it."

I rolled my eyes in response. I swear if I wasn't about to friendzone him, I would've told him to f.cking shut up and let me speak hours ago. I took a deep breath. Give me strength. Chase made his way around the car and opened my door. 

Why did the universe hate me? Why did he have to be so sweet?

I could've handled it ... if he was a jerk. I took his outstretched hand and smiled up at him.

I was thoroughly aware of his hand underneath my elbow as he led me to the entrance of the restaurant. Was it so bad that I wanted to pull away? Before I could think too much about it though, we stepped through the threshold of the mesmerizing restaurant and immediately I was transported to another place. 

The first thing that demanded my attention was the grand piano in the middle of the dining area. Its black coat was decorated with delicate silver swirls and the light coming from the chandelier dangling above it covered it in a sinister mystique. The restaurant itself was decorated in sultry reds and deep blacks, with grey as a solid undertone.

"If you are quite done fangirling over the piano, will you please join me?" Chase ripped me from my inner reverie. 

I blushed in response and nodded my head in approval. He guided me towards a table in the back of the restaurant. The waitress asked something about beverages, but to be honest, it went right over my head. The piano was the focus point of my attention. What I would give to own one like that.

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now