Chapter 6 - Alcohol

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"It's clear", a familiar yet evidently extremely bored voice shattered my reverie.

I immediately looked up when I felt his presence ooze itself into the room. His eyes refused to meet mine, finding literally everything around me more interesting. I shrugged it off. Like I gave a motherf*ck.

Being the heroic person that he apparently was, he went to go check on my house. His hand rubbed at the nape of his neck and I knew well enough by now that guys did that when they were uncomfortable with something. I just couldn't seem to shrug it off again.

"Zayn, what are you hiding?" I asked, the words tumbling from my mouth before I had the time to properly process them.

"Nothing. Drop it, Violet."

He stared at me with scorching eyes. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was hiding something. I didn't know what the hell I did to piss him off, but I was seriously not going to stick around to find out. I smiled at him; the type of smile you should be wary of.

"Well, this has been ... fun, but we really should be going. Have a nice night boys and thanks for the help", I thanked, my eyes moving across the room.

I stood up and Skylar reluctantly rose from the leprechaun's lap. I was rather proud of myself for making the connotation between leprechauns and the blonde guy's thick Irish accent. Guess he won't be getting any tonight then. They just seemed to hit it off. I mean I heard her giggle at some point during their whispered conversation. Skylar James did not giggle. Ever.

"You guys can't go back there. Not tonight at least." I was surprised to hear the curly one speak up.

"I'm sure we will be all right ...uh...."

"Harry. My name's Harry."

He smiled, making the dimples in his cheeks pop. I had to physically restrain myself from poking my forefinger into one of them. He seemed really sweet. For a punk, in anyway.

"Well Harry, thanks for the help, but ..."

"Harry's right. Not tonight", he cut me off.

I swerved around and glared in his direction, imagining his body going up in flames from my stare.

"Well, fortunately, I get to decide for myself where I want to spend my night", I hissed at Zayn.

"You could always spend it with me", Harry piped up. He flashed me a cheeky grin that caught me completely off guard.

Well, I was so off with his character.

"Uhm...", I hesitated, not knowing exactly how to respond to that.

"We'll keep Harry locked up in his room, I promise." This time it was the guy who was watching the soccer game with Harry a few hours ago. His comment made me laugh.

"Oh that won't be necessary...uh...", I started, but cut myself off when I realized that I didn't particularly know his name either. Glob I hated this. It's so awkward.

"I'm Louis."

I smiled at him, thankful for his initiative. 

"I'll just grab Skylar and be out of your hair. Thanks for the offer though, Louis."

Zayn's lips curled into a smirk. Did he ever tire of finding absolutely everything amusing?

"What the f*ck is it now?" I asked, annoyance laced into my voice. He gestured towards the group of people in front of us.

"Has anyone seen Niall recently?" he asked, a smug grin etched onto his face.

Due to lack of response, I guessed that he had to be referring to the leprechaun. My eyes scanned over the small group of people again and then realization struck. I pinched the bridge of my nose between my forefinger and my thumb. 

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now