Chapter 14 - Starbucks (A story about an epic fail)

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The bathroom started filling up with random students as I straightened my blazer. I really needed to control my emotions better than this. I couldn't just cry anytime I felt like it.

Today just wasn't my day.

I smiled encouragingly at myself in the mirror and made my way towards the door. Once outside, my eye caught a blonde head of hair. He smiled at me when I walked towards him. 

"Thought you might need this," he said, handing me my bag.

"Thanks Chase," I thanked, moving closer so he could wrap his arms around me in one of his signature bear hugs. 

Before I could object, my feet swerved above the ground as he picked me up. I giggled at the unexpected carefree moment. These were rare now a days. An uncomfortable feeling radiated between my shoulder blades. I didn't even have to turn around to know why that was the case. 

"So you ready to go?" he asked and I frowned. He must have seen the question in my eyes because he laughed shortly after. 

"Coffee?" he asked, his eyebrows arched in expectation.   

"Yeah, let's go," I confirmed. If we were in a cartoon sketch there would've been a light bulb drawn above my head right about now.

I turned towards the main doors of the school and my eyes involuntarily got caught on a black head of messy-hot-just-had-sex hair. I took Chase's hand in mine. I didn't know exactly why I did that, but he at least didn't pull away, even though I clearly had surprised him. I smiled, relieved. 

"So, where do you wanna go?" I asked in a bid to distract myself from the lazy way he draped himself against the wall of the front entrance. 

I pulled my eyes away from Zayn's lanky, but undeniably muscular frame, with great difficulty and turned to face the guy whose fingers were comfortably tangled in mine. 

"I was thinking Starbucks?" he replied. 

"That's perfect. It's been like three whole weeks since I last had Starbucks. I'm dying for a strawberry and creme frappuccino," I fangirled, all but drooling. 

We walked past Zayn, but I adamantly avoided his gaze. I couldn't get lost in them eyes now. The smell of tobacco filled my nostrils and my head immediately whipped up in response though. Really? Wasn't anyone going to do something about that? He couldn't just smoke inside the school building. It was literally against the law. 

"Starbucks fan much?" Chase asked, ripping me from my reverie. I realized we were already outside, walking towards the school's parking lot. Real observant, Violet. 

"Let's just say, I would literally probably die if I have to go a month without it," I replied, making him smile at my exaggeration.

"Well, then you must be in critical condition. We should get you there as soon as possible, before it's too late," he joked, winking at me as I giggled in response. 

We neared a silver sports car and my mind immediately went into fangirl mode. I really didn't know a thing about cars but if I could choose one to drive, this would be it. The lights of the car flashed and pure curiosity made me turn around to get a look at the lucky soul who had the privilege of owning the dream car. Apart from Chase and I, the parking lot was deserted though. Chase led me around the side of the car.

"This is yours?" I asked, cringing at the surprise and disbelief in my voice. Despite my insulting tone, he smiled and opened the passenger door for me.

"Yeah, you like it?" he asked. I sank into the velvety cushiony seats, my eyes wandering around the expensive interior. I bit my lip.

"I love it." 

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now